Yep this sucks.
As far as racism goes I've go my fair share of Asian mates and we had a good laugh a few years ago as one tried to join the "white Australia Party" of the time.
I note that a family friend of Greek origin was horrified that I would throw fish back. I would just pressume that from his upbringing and background it didn't make any sense to do that irrespective of the local rules. I'm sure a hefty fine would quickly educate him but before that enforcement its unlikely that he would feel it unethical to keep undesize fish.
How people view animals and value life in general is very much the product of their upbringing and what they have been through. We're unlikely to change this very quickly on a large group of likeminded people that congregate together as certain races are prone to do. However the way to a mans head is through his wallet Believe me that if dollars are involved then understanding comes quickly.
The pumping jetty is a controlled environment, you pay to get on the bloody thing so what the hell is stopping inspectors parking themselves at the start and checking the nights catch? They could even hand out a fishing regulation card as you pay or make it simple put 5 species of fish on the card with pickies qty and size limits and if you really think that language is the issue then write it in whatever you feel is appropriate. There is no excuse but only the hip pocket will enforce the habit change and what better venue to start than the pumping jetty. Heck they can even watch telly while they hand out the cards!
Fisheries should get serious or get enforcement by contractors on commission. We don't need any more licences or regulations that put the sqeeze on the honest people, enforce the rules that exist or take up lawn bowls. >