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Thread: Hervey Bay 21/22 Aug

  1. #1

    Hervey Bay 21/22 Aug

    What a great weekend. The sons scout group had a camp at Woody Island for the weekend and Myself and a mate were designated taxi's
    So to make life easy after dropping off the scouts and gear Saturday morn we had decided to spend the weekend fishing exploring before collecting same scouts and gear sun lunchtime

    Had a great time, fished the Picnics (duck Island), little woody, reef just south of Kingfisher, and other places in between
    Total for the weekend
    1 Snapper - just legal, but my first keeper so I kept it
    2 Bream - Snodgers around 800 gm
    6 Whiting - 25 - 30 cm
    1 Flathead - 40cm
    Numerous Pike, which sacrificed themselves to become bait
    Numerous GPS marks for future trips


  2. #2

    Re: Hervey Bay 21/22 Aug

    Ahhh its reports like that, that inspire me to fix the car or sell it so i can make it up there in December.

  3. #3

    Re: Hervey Bay 21/22 Aug


    Any signs of Longtail Tuna?


  4. #4

    Re: Hervey Bay 21/22 Aug

    wes- plenty of lingtails out wide of here today!! all deep though.. maybe you should put livies on the fly rod

  5. #5

    Re: Hervey Bay 21/22 Aug

    Didn't see a report of Trevors from the picnics. What NO poppa action ???

    Cheers Phill ( Go the Bay )
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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