i left mooloolaba saturday to explore country about 120km to the north. the weather was perfect and we arrived in promising country after a two and a half hour run. i found plenty of good showings and produced a wide variety of fish, nothing to write home about but desent parrot,cod and hussar. we sounded around for the next 4 to 5 hours just droping lines on different showings and mainly caught small reds. on dark the fish bit for a while but during the night things were very slow. the wind picked up after 8 so i spent the better part of the night exploring around ,by day break id found some great showings miles from anywhere and with a strong current flowing we drifted over the rises, first drop resulted in a tripple hook up of which resulted in two bust offs and one nice red. the next couple of drifts produced large pearlies, reds,cod and a few unstopables. the patch of ground had many simular showings so rather then flog one spot we tried about another 5 and everyone produced simular results in no time bag limits and ice were a consern. next bit of good weather i no where il be heading cause we did drop some monster reds and weve only scratched the surface. if your prepared to put in the time to search all this country theres some great rewards...i havnt got many photos yet but heres a few...foxy