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Thread: mooloolabah MONDAY

  1. #16
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Nice fish snapper, so where are you heading next time the weather is good?

  2. #17

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    ??? ???

    not sure but i know i have a date with ONE of reefy's
    "whats the time"

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member craigie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Well done Snappa, top haul of fish !!

    Your "Drought" must seam like a life time away

    How much did the bigger Snapper weigh ?


  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Mmmm..never did believe that "drought" stuff ! ...Always reckoned you were just given the rest of us a good head start..and now you are back into it again!
    Great to see it! [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
    By the look of the pic of the total catch,reckon Kenny would have been pretty pleased as well.

  5. #20

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY


    ken started fast and furious with the 3 rods but by the end of the day i had over taken him....
    craigie... i never weigh the snappa this time, not on my boat and no scales...
    foxy ....more than enough but my mother in law eats a lot of fish...
    plus i give most of it away..
    dave i was down buying some pillies off john today, and there on his counter were pics of ya holding up some reds and snappa , pics of ya boat when you first got it home without the motors. he even had some GOOD words to say about ya also...
    i might have to hold my breath to get a ride....
    "whats the time"

  6. #21

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    spiro & streaker

    spoke to brian today and 2 cartoons of slimies are on order and most likey be pick up this thursday or friday....
    one cartoon for you and wayne to halve up.... and brian and i, the other..
    brian will ring wayne .......
    we will have to be on the ball when delieved so no one has to try and freeze the LOT..
    "whats the time"

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member dfox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Pete- john loves his snapper sure has a good collection of photos, and hes a fellow CAT man. Keep catching those fish and il have to go on your rig, lol. Hope you didnt get my good pillies mate!!...foxy

  8. #23

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

  9. #24

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    I noticed you have cut half the tail off your fish. Are you doing this so you know which fish belong to which people or are you doing this in the belief your are removing the pectoral fin? There is no requirement to remove the pectoral (side) fin on snapper or pearl perch - just coral reef fin fish as listed in the plan by DPI. So those parrot will need to be trimmed.

  10. #25

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY


    yes i markED all my fish [only because i was in someone else boat] and when i give a report, they are my fish i dont include what the others catch like some...
    normally i dont mark my fish and anyone that has been out with me knows any fish NOT mark in the esky is the SKIPPERS..
    yes i knowto cut off the pect fin.. if only i can remember to do it on a hot bite
    yes the pectoral fin was cut off the parrot, also the pearlies because i was not sure.
    keep a keen eye on the pics and you may notice the famous snappa RIG l.o.l.
    "whats the time"

  11. #26

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Quote Originally Posted by Trout
    I noticed you have cut half the tail off your fish. Are you doing this so you know which fish belong to which people or are you doing this in the belief your are removing the pectoral fin? There is no requirement to remove the pectoral (side) fin on snapper or pearl perch - just coral reef fin fish as listed in the plan by DPI. So those parrot will need to be trimmed.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Why what?
    If you mean, why must you remove a pec fin from Coral Reef Fin fish, its called Queensland fishing regulations, and I quote.
    In relation to coral reef fin fish a recreational fisher:
    must not possess on board any boat fish taken from a boat other than in one of the following forms - whole, gilled or gutted or filleted;
    may possess on board a boat a fillet of a fish other than a Chinese footballer (blue spot) trout as long as the length of the fillet is at least 40cm, and skin and scales are attached to the fillet;
    must not return fish taken ashore from a boat and filleted and returned to a boat unless the length of the fillet is at least 40cm, and skin and scales are attached to the fillet;
    must not put whole or gilled and gutted fish into cool storage without first removing a pectoral fin (see illustration in “Fish measurement”); or
    must not bring live fin fish ashore.

    If you didn't already know this and are in the habit of catching em, you might save yourself a whole heap of money by acquainting yourself with the following.

  13. #28

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    I was never aware of that. Looks like I need to read up on the rules again.

    Lucky I can't catch fish!!

    I had a quick look before I posted the "Why" but I must have skimmed too quickly. Missed that paragraph.

    How does removing the fin help the DPI?? I can understand the laws regarding fillets (skin and scale on, larger than 40cm, etc) this helps in identifying the species, but how does removing the pect fin help??

  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Yeah I have not had to cut any pec fins off yet either , but I am living in hope. 8)
    It is a fairly new regulation.
    The theory is it stops them turning up in fish shops. ie reduces the black market trade by rec fishos. So if an inspector see a fish for sale with its pec fin removed he can get excited and actually do some work.

  15. #30

    Re: mooloolabah MONDAY

    Thats a good idea!!

    Still in my perfect world the rec fishers sell to the shops, and there is a TOTAL BAN on any form of NETTING behind a boat. Only a line and hook allowed to catch fish. I can dream.

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