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Thread: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???

  1. #1

    Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???

    Mate if your around how about getting in touch and taking your old mate Bazza out for a fishing trip.That last one ya organised was a dead set ripper?? From memory I think I caught 12 bream to your Zip!!. I think you got seasick and I had to drive the boat home and that was after I had already drunk a skinfull of gold. I'd be keen to give you a few pointers on how its done. whats doing??

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???

    Laugh my guts out

    Barry "The Man" Mundane, you old "Chicken of the Sea", Long time no see or fish or drink too much grog together .

    I'll drop you a line, but maybe we could arrang a trip on the weekend of the 6 or 7 of November, I have Fishing commitments prior to these dates.

    December is looking good for a trip to Hervey Bay to chase Spottie Mackerel, so keep it in mind mate, it'll be awesome !!

    Welcome back to the site, say g'day to Albert for me


  3. #3

    Re: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???

    oooh dont think ur hittin hervery bay macs without me mate! Im IN

  4. #4

    Re: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???


    Hope you come along for the "Mack Attack" in Hervey Bay, I want to see plenty of fish blood splashed all over that lovely Trailcraft

    Lucky Phil, Bugman, myself and a few of the other guy's are just sweating on their arrival in the big bay and away we go !!

    Stock up on your metals and slugs, It's going to get frantic 8)


  5. #5

    Re: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???

    Craigie Mate - I'll be jetting off to Bali in Mid November to catch up with a few "Red Snappers and Pearlies" over there. Would be good if we got the rods out at the Big C for some tackle talk before I jet off. have given up on the Indo fishing scene as U need a Long liner to to be competitive these days.Will probably just go over for the cultural festivities-and to help improve the Indo-australis rift that seems to have come about under the current Government.whats doing-email me at my work address or you can get me on your mate Alberts address??

  6. #6

    Re: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???


    Trip sounds good mate, I'm told that the "Country & Western Bar" in Kuta is the place to pick up a deck hand, Little mates know all about Tackle and Tag Poles

    Will catch up with you in early November before you jet-off !!

    I've given up on O/S Fishing trips, too many disapointments , bought a bigger boat and starting to learn more about our local waters instead.

    I'll be in contact in the near future, I still owe you $20 from the last time we got on the drink


  7. #7

    Re: Anyone seen that Craigie fella about???

    Hi craigie,are you the same fellow who's doing a spot of fishing
    at 1770 with Tez and tiny,or have I got my wires crossed


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