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Thread: crabbing the bay

  1. #1

    crabbing the bay

    Mon -- paln to go out wed. drop pots and chase macks
    Tues--- Read greg's report on a lot of macks and flat water (thinking maybe I have wrong day.
    Wed--- Had pots out overnight, picked th up early morn, had couple of sandies. Weather very ordinary > .
    Decide to give macks a miss and try some new crab ground .
    Had 3 runs for 8 sandies started getting thrown around to much, and decky looking sad so heading home.
    Best part of day was lunch time having crab sangers on fresh bread and a cold beer

    Hopefully better weather soon...

  2. #2

    Re: crabbing the bay

    Could be worse "WORKING" like most of us!!

  3. #3

    Re: crabbing the bay

    Back to that next week dave...
    Good luck out west..

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