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Thread: Great Shark Hunt

  1. #16

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    haha i think that has you coming a close second!

    Jeremy, we probably should have tried down around mud, we would have obviously been able to get there safely. The only trouble was that it was my fist time out in the boat without dad, so he didnt really want me going out of the river . We were back at the ramp about 1.30, so thats probably why you couldnt reach us

    next time fellas, CJ

  2. #17

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Black_Rat that looks like a livey , rigged up and ready to go in..
    Should swim a bit funny upside down and attract the sharks.

  3. #18

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    that leatherjacket ain't rare plenty of them in sydney harbour, althought they are more black looking, prolly becuz of the shit in the harbour. they like to hang in kelp as the appearence suggests-its good to see kingtin has friends to talk to about catching rubbish fish.

    haha ,damo'

  4. #19

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    good to see the alvey logo in the picture that more of the position of fishing again
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  5. #20

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy
    We both got some good runs but they turned out to be catfish. Sominc landed one around 4 kg, which we kept for bait.

    It's contagious, I tell yer! :-)

    The Verminator

  6. #21

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by philip_thomson

    we had a couple of bites and then the first fish, a catfish then i hooked onto a fish, a catfish we picked up some more people and tried the otherside of the bridge nothing >. then we went towards the mouth and we caught another fish. surprise surprise another catfish ???. no sharks anywhere. we fished a little more then i left. total catch was 4 catfish.

    kingtin you would be proud of us

    overall a great day out on the water thanks heaps damien.

    cheers phil
    Vaccinate now! Catfishinitis is highly contagious! :-)

    The Verminator

  7. #22

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by philip_thomson
    no camera but i decided to draw a picture in paint of our day off fishing. hope you like it.

    p.s. it took me a long time to do
    There's a medal on it's way Philip......well done! :-)

    p.s. You're a bloody liar :-)

  8. #23

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by Black_Rat

    Yep bloddy catties everywhere Phillip after we droped you off the catties really come on the chew as the sun went down <snip>
    You must be highly fishing for 6 months till the catties disappear.

    The Verminator

  9. #24

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by bungie
    So.................... is another date being set for "The Great Shark Hunt" ??
    to remove the weather factor ....

    'tis Logan River Whaler season lads. This time every year before the fatman cometh.

    Few 6 footers are had but put a cattie under a float at night & u will connect. Pretty decent eating too.

    There are also several spots for those land based battlers.


  10. #25

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by CHRIS_aka_GWH
    Few 6 footers are had but put a cattie under a float at night & u will connect. Pretty decent eating too.
    Is this why the little buggers where about, must have been begging for a live bait hook through the back before being thrown back

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