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Great Shark Hunt
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Thread: Great Shark Hunt

  1. #1

    Great Shark Hunt

    while all the other particpants had pulled the pin after the bad forecast, damien (black_rat) and myself gave it a shot anyway. leaving the ramp at 11am it was very windy and we decided to run down to the river mouth. it was very rough down there and we meet up with Magic pudding. after a quick chat we headed back up the river and anchored around the gateway bridge with expectations of a shark or maybe even a jewie. . this was not to be.

    we had a couple of bites and then the first fish, a catfish then i hooked onto a fish, a catfish we picked up some more people and tried the otherside of the bridge nothing >. then we went towards the mouth and we caught another fish. surprise surprise another catfish ???. no sharks anywhere. we fished a little more then i left. total catch was 4 catfish.

    kingtin you would be proud of us

    overall a great day out on the water thanks heaps damien.

    cheers phil
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  2. #2

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    no camera but i decided to draw a picture in paint of our day off fishing. hope you like it.

    p.s. it took me a long time to do
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  3. #3

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    lmao great photo. what sort of boat is that?

  4. #4

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    its a white boat
    Bring on the Marlin!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Well Phill, i told ya congrats on the cattys and same to the master.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cheech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Great work there Philip. With all the politics recently it is good to get back to just fishing and having fun.

  7. #7

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    pic a bit wrong with the SUN in the corner..????
    "whats the time"

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Fark...some education is of the necessity - in a decent computer drawing program, other than paint.


  9. #9

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Yep bloddy catties everywhere Phillip after we droped you off the catties really come on the chew as the sun went down > > We probably got another 20 odd of the suckers (catties). We finnaly pulled the pin at about 10:30pm after the river had just about glassed out and the deckies ran out of Rats .
    We had just got the boat back to Comslie ramp when we saw this absolutley huge ship, 'HUGE' I say pull up and dock on the northen side of the river opposite the ramp. We didn't even see or hear the thing coming down the river and was probably lucky we left when we did because we were probably only about 50m or so form the middle of the Gateway before we uped anchor and left. It was an awsome sight though and one of those party ferries went dead slient as I thought they were going run straight into it a bit of manouvering by the skipper saw the party boat move away quick smart. Lets pray for some decent weather soon

  10. #10

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    We tried out luck saturday as phillip said, but were very unsuccessful, ripping through alot of mullet for no result. We stayed up around the mouth and tried the first beacon out, luggage point and the other side of the river all to no success.
    I'll say it again, damn weather!


  11. #11

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    well I had a lst minute change of plans and decided to launch from Nudgee rather than the river. I figured we would fish in the Kedron Brook (?) area as I though we would have just a good a chance of sharks there as in the river.

    Launched around 2pm. Threw a few SPs for flathead first up for no success, then looking out the mouth I decided maybe it wasn't so bad and we decided we'd try to get to Mud.

    We got there in around 30 minutes with me soaking wet and Sominc (Tom) completely dry. Bugga!

    I used some strips of mack tuna for bait and Sominc was using mullet. We both got some good runs but they turned out to be catfish. Sominc landed one around 4 kg, which we kept for bait.

    I then used some catfish for bait and landed a shark of 107 cm at about 5.30 pm on 6 kg line. Yet to complete the I.D. on it, but I think it is a pig-eye whaler. Tagged and released.

    10 minutes later another run on the 6 kg gear and hooked another shark considerably bigger. It took off on a long fast run of around 150 m, and then arced towards the east when the line broke. I had upped the drag to around 3 kg and it was a clean break, but it was probably the shark rolling on the line. Just as well, I wouldn't have wanted a shark that big too close to the boat anyway.

    Fished for another half hour without any more runs, so headed back and eventually found the entrance to Nudgee.

    Good fun, pity there weren't a few more sharks. I tried calling up 'Majic Pudding' and 'Ausfish' on the VHF both from within Nudgee and out at Mud Is. on 77 but no replies. You guys up the river must have been blocked from the signal.

    Looks like I'm the winner of the shark hunt #1

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  12. #12

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    So.................... is another date being set for "The Great Shark Hunt" ??

  13. #13

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    Yep looks like your the winner Jeremy need photos to make official though

  14. #14

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    photos might be a fair while Damo. I used a disposable camera which is paid for by the tagging project and the developing will be paid for by them too, so I might need to catch a few more sharks to make it worth their while.

    Hopefully Sominc will add his version of our trip to this to back me up!

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  15. #15

    Re: Great Shark Hunt

    We did manage to catch this thing, is it a rare species of leather jacket shark ???

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