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Thread: Bribie whiting

  1. #1

    Bribie whiting

    With the windy weekends of late its been to uncomfortable to go offshore so the last few weekends ive stuck to more shelted areas chasing crabs and whiting, the catches have been mixed with the bribie passage having a lot of weed.
    But persistance has been rewarding with a nice feed of crabs last weekend and some quality whiting, the biggest being just on 40cm, out of interest whats the best whiting that you or others have caught? ...foxy

  2. #2

    Re: Bribie whiting

    heres the best whiting.....

  3. #3

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Oh Foxy, with a haul of muddies like that you will be everybody's mate!

    Well done! Davo.

  4. #4

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Very nice Dave! Certainly a few nice cold crab sangas coming up for you!

    Best whiting to date is 36cm. Havn't fished for em in years. Should give em a go one day - nice fishies.


  5. #5

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Hey dfox,

    Why would you want to go anywhere when you're catching crabs like that??

    I use to catch whiting down in Sydney at the mouth of Narabeen lakes (when it is open to the sea - silted up at the moment i think and also slightly too far from the Tweed) at night and we would regularly get them over forty. big buggers with big blue noses and they can pull in a fast current.

    Don't know what my biggest one was though. I use to think i caught the worlds biggest bream to until i moved to QLD. My PB bream was a 2.2 kg monster (49 cm) but it was shorter than my longest bream which went 53 cm.

    anyhow nice crabbin.


  6. #6

    Re: Bribie whiting

    just eating some crab now rick, about half of them are full the others are 3/4 full, lucky those whiting dont grow to 100 pounds they'd take some getting in mate
    good to catch and even better chewing ...foxy

  7. #7

    Re: Bribie whiting

    my biggest to date is 42cm's... i got one on saturday that went 38. top catch of crabs for SEQ what bait for the whiting? soldier crabs?

  8. #8

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Nice catch of crabs there foxy

    I used to do a lot of whiting fishing and have never cracked 40cm. I have caught a few at 39cm and heaps between 35 and 39.



  9. #9

    Re: Bribie whiting

    looks like i should have take your advice..
    and go crabbing ???? with all this wind around and the weekend likes a bit ????
    "whats the time"

  10. #10

    Re: Bribie whiting

    jees foxy now youve got me in missus just saw the pic of all your crabs and as she dosent eat fish{but loves crab]WHICH I NEVER CATCH .she told me im a big sooky la la loser and said she married the wrong man.
    But then i scrolled across to your picture and she said she was only jokeing 8)

  11. #11

    Re: Bribie whiting

    OK, You blokes caught a few "crabs" and a couple of "whiting". Big Deal.! Let me tell you WHY the fish are not going OFF at the moment on Bribie Island. One reason, and one reason only-- My Ex. was up there visiting relatives (for 2 weeks) She would scare the S@*t out of anyone. I bet, the weather up there has been "S*#t. Yep, you can blame 'HER'. A bloody Victorian,(female),-- meets 'Paradise"-- It doesnt work. I appologise !!!!

  12. #12

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Foxy, I remember you saying somewhere that you still had a commercial crabing licence. Are you still commercial crabing [smiley=huh2.gif] and is this just practice


  13. #13

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Big Whiting n soldier crabs & combine that with a trip into Elimbah Crk late afternoon on a run up tide & who knows a couple of 40 to 45cm,600grm plus fish could be yours, Just ask Big Mal (Brewman) to show you where Brewmans bend is. . Cheers Touchy.><> ><> ><>.

  14. #14

    Re: Bribie whiting

    A mate of mine fished Bribie Island near Bongaree from his boat on Sunday for about 3 hours and said he'd caught about 15 in that time all really good quality. (his missses was on the boat & kept him in check so only kept a couple )

  15. #15

    Re: Bribie whiting

    Foxy that is one shit load of muddies. When i was scrolling down i thought it was backgroud wallpaper. The burley pots going to be full next trip hey
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

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