yesterday morning rob, mick and myself went out in search of some yellowfin tuna. the lures hit the water and then the first fish came on board quickly. it was a slow start with only a few yellowfins and mack tuna coming on board. around 7am the tuna began coming on board thick and fast with double and sometimes triple hook ups. rob then hooked on to a decent fish which turned out to be a "small" ??? wahoo which promptly hit the ice. with so much tuna in the boat mick decided that he would try some sashimi. mick didn't like the raw tuna.. i christend my new TLD20 on a few nice yellowfin works very nicely.
we then decided to put the marlin lures out and trolled around for a few hours. this resulted in no strikes but some good sunburn
overall an awesome day, great to catch up with rob and mick again.
cheers phil