We left Kawana ramp at 3am and headed for the 12 mile. Fished it till about 9am with only a couple of parrot and a pearlie on board. We lost that much bait to the peckers and under size fish it wasn't funny. Also caught 4 under size reds there around 40cm. Made the call to goto the banks via wave rider boey. Got to the boey and drifted aswell as sent a couple of pillies down to the bottom for a dolfin fish. We didn't even lose a bait so i put a couple of jet heads on and started to troll around. Mean while Dave still had his pillie on and got smashed straight away. He landed a 12 kilo dolfin fish. I got hit once on a jet head but didn't hook up. Went to the banks to finish up the day and caught more parrot, pearlie and gold spots.
The conditions where great sitting on 45-50klm all day. Another top RDO