I was going to have a crack at some Mackerel on Saturday, but getting up at 0300 wasn't on the cards with a new baby in the house. So, with the weather looking good, a drastic change of plans saw me chasing a Snapper on Saturdaay night at the Rouse. Got out there at about 1800 with 2 other boats already there. There was a little Easterly on, which stayed until high tide about 2130. Berleyed up and the fish started to come on about 2030. Got Squire that were all just undersize, an undersize Yellow Sweetlip and a small Barracuda, which became bait. No keepers and left about 2345 and came home across a dead flat Bay. A good night was had as I haven't been out for yonks with work, weather and babies.
