Clock hit 3am, still awake [smiley=freak.gif], everybody pulled out for my days fishing, even the wife. Stuff it, rods under one arm and trusted dog under other and away we go. A early mac attack [smiley=smash.gif].
Left scarbrough at 5am for a glassy run up pearl channel. At the top spotted a bit of surface activity, 3rd cast and on to a small doggie. Continued north and more doggies working the main channel. Decided to start keeping as mabey not the day for spotties.
Just as small eskie reached full, a spottie. Damn, shoulda released the doggies and searched harder [smiley=oops.gif] but no room left in eskie so decided upon an early 7:30 morning return. By now 2-4 boats bashing every beacon but not as much surface activity. A enjoyable couple hours fishing and with the deckie (Buster the dog) constantly licking up all the victims blood and occasionally chewing the heads, not much left besides the drive home, clean the fish and boat and a fillet for lunch [smiley=chef.gif]. Now time for some shut eye and dreams of more fishing [smiley=sleeping.gif] [smiley=zzz.gif].