Fished the wall as planned 5am Friday morning.
Put out a couple of livies... nothing doing.
We also tried mullet pieces on padernoster rigs newly purchased from the mart with a k.
Whack ! then nothing. Scratch one hook and one sinker.
These rigs have pretty heavy leader so what ever it was had TEETH !
Put out another padernoster. Waited about 15 mins and whack
again ! This time the boy was hooked up and his fish had weight and it was running.
A couple or three great runs and we had a 1m shark boatside.
Cut him free to fight another day.
Doh ! Forgot to take a picture in all the excitement.
We stayed about another half hour by which time it was 7am top of the tide. We decided to give it away.
We'll definitely be back to try the holes that beefaman has mentioned. I reckon we'll give the bridge a go as well.
For anyone who's interested definitely worth a try.