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Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)
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Thread: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    gaday fellow Ausfisher's.
    this is more a gripe than a report.
    i've been fish ( or thats what i would be doing if i was at any other dam in Queenlsand or NSW for that matter.) at hinze dam for at least 2-3 years , and in that time i have caught fish, but when you think about how many trips i've made to this dam to fish , i can't beleave that the gold Coast fish stoking body that is put fish in this dam are accualy doing just that. from what i can gather before the last flood that took most of the fish out over the wall, hinze fish fairly well but not now.
    saturday was the last straw for me launched at the western ramp at 5:30 am armed with every bit of tackle i own with the ecception of my bottom bashing gear.
    2Kg spin stick and a 4Kg overhead.
    i had plastics, hard bodies and spinnerbaits.
    i fished till 11.30am for 4 stikes and 1 spat hook.
    in the last half dozen trips thinking if i get just 1 more bit of you bute lure or spinner or what ever to tempt the couple fish that im told are in this impoundment.
    I DON'T THINK SO. ive wasted more of my valueable time off to fish a crap impoundment that i beleave is grossly under stoked for it volume and its access.
    ive just gone through my records and in the last year i have only caught 4 bass in hinze and they were 4 defferent trips.
    and of those 2 where legal.
    i may not be a professional bass fisherman but im not stupid.
    and i dont expect to get a cricket score of bass or for that matter an esky full.
    I fish for bass for sport strictly catch and release as do the majority of bass fisho's.
    when do you say to yourself why do i waste my time in this fishless waste land.
    well saturday was mine for i'll never fish Hinze again , or at least till i know that the stockers have at put a restectable number of fish in there.
    the 35 bucks you pay to fish there is a waste of hard earned cash.
    you only have to look at the comps that are held there the catchs are pathetic. the last 1 i sore was a while ago but for 2 days fishing by all competitors saw about 300 odd fish. you compare that to any other comp . just an eg: golden lure 1345 fish ( bigger than 30cm) for a day and a half.of that 960 bass.

    last report from Hinze waste land.
    Cheers Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member JT's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    Hey Jamie,

    Just sent you a PM - please ignor the question asking how you went yesterday



  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    got the pm john thanks
    Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  4. #4

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    I have been fishing the Hinze Dam for about 10 years now and in that time I have become available to the numbers of fish that the HDFMAC (Hinze Dam Fish Management Advisory Committe)have released into HInze Dam. During that time I have also seen the dam wall go under a few times resulting in a lot of fish going over. However I see the Hinze Dam as a well stocked impoundment and have always enjoyed fishing there.

    Granted I don't catch a heap of bass every time I go there, but if you did that would certainly take all the fun out of it...wouldnt it?

    I have had sessions of catching 50+ fish in a session with the average size being in the mid 30cm range. I do realise these fish are not massive but the average size is increasing over the years. Everyone that I know who fishes the Hinze can relate similar reports. Though I have been known to go there and pull a blank...but thats just fishing.

    In your post you say that you have only caught 4 bass in a year, and that was on four different trips. You also admit that you arent a pro fisherman but you are not stupid the risk of offending you (which is not my aim)...have you ever thought that the way you fish this impoundment isnt the best way? could be something better?

    Keep in mind also that the Hinze is a large impoundment so it is quite possible for the fish to move a fair distance in a short period of therefor you could be fishing in areas that simply dont contain fish!

    And maybe its your negative approach to this impondment that is reflecting the poor results...not the impoundment itself.

    On closing I would just like to add that I took my daughter (4yrs old) down there just before christmas and she managed to catch a total of 4 bass on her first trip.

  5. #5

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    Geez, it'd be a tough old world if every person who skunked blamed the local stocking group. Have you thought about taking a charter on the dam with an experienced guide? Maybe if you got involved with the ABA, who stock the dam, you'd pick up a few tips from them, and also have an idea of the thankless task they face in keeping an excellent fishery operational so close to a major population centre. If all else fails, maybe you could take up golf and blame the groundsmen for not putting the hole where your ball landed!!

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Mar 2002

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    The best my wife and I have managed on Hinze is 13 in a morning session, and they were all under 35cm. To me that's good fishing. We've had days there without a single strike and we live nowhere near the place so in terms of money and time invested it's costly. But that's life. So is the loss of fish over the wall. It's just part of the game.
    It's funny [ish] how much is taken for granted in these days of hatchery-bred fish. People actually expect to catch bass on any given day! As a kid in the 60s and 70s I would have cast my lures literally thousands of times before my first strike and that little bass didn't even hook up. The first bass I caught - on a green Flopy - was about 7inches long and was something to treasure. I wish I had a photo, but it went back in with the greatest of care. These days they're referred to as 'rats' - only in the lakes of course, but how times have changed.
    I take my hat off to all the stocking groups. Their efforts have brought bass into the 'mainstream' of sought-after fish. But I do believe you get a better appreciation of how GOOD things are today through doing it tough in the past - when you ventured into the wildest scrub to get just one strike in 3000 casts. It was the thrill of a lifetime.
    Cloud_9 I'm sorry you're not geting many but at least you're out there on the water giving it a go. And that can't be bad, can it?

  8. #8

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)


    If you would like I can put you in touch with Steve Wilkes who runs a fishing program for kids and families on the dam. He also writes for bush and beach.

    I get sick of hearing from him on how he's caught 20-30 fish for the day. A day out with him would be invaluable.

    It might also be technique as well mate - in terms of how you target them. Live shrimp is the absolute gun bait if Hinze if you want to catch fish.


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member JB's Avatar
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    Dec 2003

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    Give up the fresh Jamie , too little reward for too much effort mate. That or mix up ur trips with one offshore and one fresh each week to keep u sane .


  10. #10

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    The A.B.A (Australian Bass Association) does not control the stocking of Hinze Dam. That is the HDFMAC. But quite a few members of the ABA do fish the Hinze regularly and that would probably be the biggest advantage when it comes to catching bass regularly in a impoundment, as said up there ^^^

  11. #11

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    Hi Leigh,
    My appologies to the HDFMAC. They do a great job.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  12. #12

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    i like JB's idea... give up the fresh

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    Quote Originally Posted by aussiebasser
    Hi Leigh,
    My appologies to the HDFMAC. They do a great job.
    It's OK Basser we have members in The ABA whom are on the HDFMAC
    And yes we do fish it heaps.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cloud_9's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    me again.
    knew id ruffle a few feathers..
    for effort involved in fishing hinze dam. i think your welcome ito it.
    for the advice of fish with the live shrimp.I like lure fishing most of the time un fortunatly. i keep hearing the big catch mumbers but i still get the same answer from other fisherman from there ( got a couple)
    like ive said before i dont know how many fish get stocked but for my money its not enough. i also said i dont expect a cricket score catch ether.
    just as an EG: went to maroon sunday afternoon. i was there for 2 hours on the water .i only caught 3 bass and they where not big fish but i caught a couple in a few hours thats enjoymentfor me. Not spending trip after trip trying defferent technecs and still not getting a scale. ive even gone to BP dam and managed a couple in a few hours.
    my personal oppinion is if you dont catch fish your not going to go back. and thats another person not paying to fish and less money to stock fish.
    I will still be spending my money elsewere.
    hinze is a dead horse to me.
    there no insentive for me to continue to fish the place, theres no reward for the effort.

    Cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  15. #15

    Re: Oxymoron ! ( fishing hinze dam)

    Geeez..if I never went back to a place when I hadnt caught a fish I would be forced to sell the boat because I would never use it. You are complaining about the level of fish in the Hinze and say that you wont waste your money buying another permit...well if you think about it thats $30 worth of fish that WONT be going back into the dam. But since you arent going to grace us with your presence anymore then I guess one equals the otherone out!

    As for the "got a couple' remark...I say that when I catch 10 or so bass!

    And to be honest I would be greatly dissapointed if I fished Maroon for 2 hours (at that time of day) and only caught 3 fish with none being legal! That, I would call a dissapointing trip!

    Anyways, looking forward to seeing you on the water at Hinze...tight lines!

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