Had a call from my mate dave yesterday morning ...He was having a sickie and was off fishing did l want to go too..??. Well when dave rings at 5.00am in the morning and tells you that the Barra in his fish take are going off there heads its time to head to Awoonga.. Now dave makes his own lures and they are spot on ...Wont use anything else So off we go to one of the spots that we know The barra are going crazy over daves lures he had four in the boat before l even got a strike..Now when fish are chasing lures in pairs jumping out of the water to grab them l have just got to have one of them lures....Dave can l use one of them lures.?? yea l know l said they didnt catch fish but can l.....Dave comes across with a green lure Dont look much...But l put it on Wham thats one Wham thats two..In all between us we boated fourty fish yes l said fourty lost over twenty. lots of good fish too not just rats..Five meter fish Oh lures yes lost about 7 all daves..Now when dave loses a lure the whole dam know about it..The air turns blue ..Some of those words Dave..... l have been fishing Awoonga for over 3 years never have l had a day like that. Had to take today off wrist tooooo sore ...So what do we do ???yes thats right back to the dam But they are back to there normal ways we catch 3 fish.....