Went down for friday, saturday to the beach for a fwe dayz just north of coffs harbour with my old man and brother. Had a cabin overlooking the water so it was all good. Was going to take the boats out with my 2 uncles but the whether shat itself but there was some good action on the beaches. For an area of over 1km2 there was birds and fish goin ballistic. Got the lazers out on the spin rod and pulled longtails, bonito and mack tuna off the beach. I didn't think that diff tuna species hunted together. Got about a dozen fish all up with a 12kg longtail topping all the fish. Next best fish was (very surprised) a 8.5 kg bonito. That had the old drag squealing. All the rest were between 2-5kg. Kept a few bonnies for bait and 2 longtails to feed all the relo's. Let the rest go to go stir up some other scared shitless garries or what not.
Both my uncles nearly dropped dead when i hauled the fish in with half dozen foto's on the digi cam. Both of em had been out the day before after mackeral and LT's but only got 2 nice tailor. Told me nothin was around. Don't ya love it when they tell ya that and ya can show some pro's up!!! lol. Absolutely awesome fishing on an awesome beach.