I was getting worried you guys were getting up to some bad habits in that house lol. Seriously though, nice work Peter. I think sitting out two trips would lead to some severe deep-running psychological rammifications.( he is wearing pants )
I was getting worried you guys were getting up to some bad habits in that house lol. Seriously though, nice work Peter. I think sitting out two trips would lead to some severe deep-running psychological rammifications.( he is wearing pants )
After the blow out at the resent M&G at 1770 , I decided to Headed back up and give it another go over the week of 7th to 14 th May .
We had 3 starters Ausfish DALEPRICE ( Dale ) , a mate from work ( John ) and myself .
As we were getting closer to the trip the weather reports were terrible 20 -25 S-SE and it looked that it may hang around all week , we decided to still give it a go , hoping that it may drop out later in the week .
With the wind and swell hanging around most of the week , we finally got an opportunity on our last day ( Friday 13 th ). The forecast was 15 Knts SW on a 1.5 meter sea .
Heading out the bar wasnt too bad , but as there was still a swell running ,there were still some rollers breaking across the bar enterance .
Headed out about 38 k. to Lou's ( Reel-Job ) secerate spot .
Thanks Lou , we ended up with a good catch with a mixed catch of 42 fish reefies . Most were just average size , with the best being 1 x 4.6 KG Coral Trout ( by me ) & a 2.6 kg Parrot ( by John ) and a couple of good Cod .
Dale held his own , catching various bits & pieces , including a couple of Reds that couldnt quite make the magic 55 cm .
The trip back was pretty ordinary , the SW wind was breaking the top of the 1.5 to 2 meter ground swell .
Punching strait into it we could only average 11-12 knts for the first 20 k of the trip , with the conditions good once you got back closer to Round Hill .
All up a good day out , good feed ,and being the last day of our trip made us forget about the poor conditions for the rest of the week .
Saw the mighty Bogy heading sout on the highway .
Tony ( Agnes_Jack )
Good to catch up with you again .( we will be back )
Searaider 2
My TRout
Dale with Trout & best Parrot
( he is wearing pants )
Dale with some Cod
Some of the Catch
great job
Onya Pete. ya lookin a little startled hanging onto that Trout, Been some time in putting one in the fish bin from 1770 !
I see a few Frying Pan Snapper there. Jeez, haven't seen them since a late trip to Rooney's.
Is that young fella ( Dale ) still trying to teach us oldies how to drink ? I rememebr those were some of his last words at the M & G, before he declared he was too drunk ( other word used ) to get up, and then all slurring broke loose !
Well done Dale, good to see ya getting among the fish.
I dare say you'll get back up there before the end of the year Pete, as Tony says, October ><> ><> ><>
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Peter, That looks like a word for word recreation of the post. You either have an amazing memory or keep copies of your posts
Well done again.
Geday Guys ,
Thanks for the comments .
I posted the first Trip report & photo's then the Web site crashed & it was lost before I got to see any of the replys .
Mark ,
My memory is terrible , I was lucky & e-mailed John a copy of the repot . I was able to copy & past it back into the new trip report [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
Phil ,
MMMMMMMM back to 1770 again in October . [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] count me in .
Might be time for another M&G up there .
Searaider 2
phill, i played with the big boys but couldnt match it
i think i may have been gar-gar, i was ready for pete to
take me to the hospital the next day though
pete, hope you do well this weekend you lucky bugger!
a few more trout and maybee some reds 8)
good luck!!
Just seen the catch pete very good i must say.Dont tell anyone that spot hahahahahahah glad there was some fish there.talk to you soon.
Well done Pete, and a nice looking trout too.
I hope I can match that on my next trip up there.
Best of luck