2005 Boyne Tannum Hook Up. Ausfish Members.
To every one who came up for a fish, we had the weather buggered.
Friday 10 - 20 knots, Saturday 10 - 15 knots , Sunday Perfect .
A day for all boaties.
Our Ausfish challenge being a Grass Sweetlip or (lethrinus laticaudis) in length was won by team Streaker’s 1st decky Tony. A very close finish it was too, Big E had a Grasse which in weight was heavier but a tad short, my tape measure went to 60 cm the fish was around 63 cm and Tony’s was 65 cm a tuff call for me as judge.
Lucky I only had one bourbon or who knows who would have won, very close.
Then the stories came out. One in particular or may be two. # 1 Seafox and son Rabbit . Now I know for a fact because I was with seafox the Friday night we walked home well I did the others went to the pub. We where at the bottom of the hill to the Boyne bridge I said there was no exit in the fence at the top. Well prove me wrong seafox trudge’s up this bank about hafe way up goes arse over tit he starts to roll back down parting the grass as he go’s drink in hand never spilt a drop we nick name him Mosses because he parted the grass on the way down,
he had no control of the weather the next day though.
Newby’s crew consisted of seafox and Nathan #2 Newby has a rather large boat
And some how seafox was involved, the skipper said Jeff was at the stern when he went arse over head ( again ) by trying to support himself using the bait board
he totally destroyed it and in doing so fell into the well of the boat and stood on the bilge pump disabling it too, smashed. Newby was not a happy chappie and poor old seafox was Pissed & Broke. (A name to watch out for next year).
Hook Up Weight In
Big E . Lipper was 3.8500 caught off Facing island & Salmon at 1.8200 .& 2.100
Streaker won the biggest Red ????? For Sunday in the comp. Pays for the fuel
Wayne. Pictures will be posted later
To all who rubbed shoulders drank well and party, It was good to meet you.
ReelNauti / Big E / Streaker /1st crew Tony / Gordon / Bear / I have missed some one / Seafox / NewBy / BB / Until next year 2006 Happy Fishing