Headed to the Barwons again on Saturday, left ramp at 4.30am. had a dream run out, started fishing just before sun-up. Last fished this spot 3 weeks ago and bagged out on snapper in the 4-5kg size. Well no big ones today but did get about half a dozen around 2.5 to 3.5kg. good eating size Best fish of the day was a Red Emporer that took my new digital scales to 6kg. caught by yours truly, which is my best to date. I know its not in Reefmasters [or Terrys 18.1kg ] league but I was still rapped with a PB.
I love how hard these fish go, Lucky Phil [first mate] and I got bricked a few times, so we didnt get it all our way.
Wind started to get up around noon, so made the decison to head back in, glad we did as the wind was blowin hard by the time we got back to the ramp. Cleaned the fish back at the ramp could not get over the audience at cleaning table
Hope to get out a few more times before this great snapper season is over.
Cheers Troy.