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Thread: Only Mac tuna today

  1. #1

    Only Mac tuna today

    After hearing reports of spanish and longtails around the headland yesterday, decided to have a quick troll round the headland before work this morning.

    Nothing but crab bait!! > >

    managed 5 mac tuna and a few watsons bonito, before we decided to chuck a few softies in the estuary. Dropped a very big flattie right at the shore, I estimated to be around the 900mm mark!!
    Landed and released about a dozen, and Josh (my son) spotted a few nice squid and managed to score one for dinner.

    Makes the day seem a lot better anyway

    Regards, Tony

  2. #2

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    5 very good mac tuna you got. Which will make very good crab bait
    That squid you caught would have been nice dinner

    cheers Jay [smiley=bandana.gif]

  3. #3

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    Sorry, this one was from a previous trip!!

  4. #4

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

  5. #5

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    Got it right there. Shame about the flattie. Cheers

  6. #6

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

  7. #7

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

  8. #8

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

  9. #9

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

  10. #10

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    what could be better on a work day

  11. #11

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    at least the macs would've given you a bit of curry, unlucky about the flatty.

  12. #12

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    Yeah, That flatty would have been a personal best for me.
    Been a heap of big girls around, might get another shot.

    Regards, Tony

  13. #13

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    nice report Tony - even if crab bait (cough). Half your luck, I wish I were there!!

  14. #14

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    Good on ya tony, nothing like a fish before work to make the day go better . Pity about the flatty , i'm sure over the next few weeks you will get another crak at one. Those dam mac tuna are mongrels of things, however saying that , 1. they do make excellent crab bait and 2. they pull drag to give you some fun when nothing else is hungry. So i guess a few mac tuna is better than not turning a reel!

    Thats great looking little tinny you have there, will that be coming with you on your journey down to my neck of the woods?


  15. #15

    Re: Only Mac tuna today

    Yeah JB
    Crab bait is not a bad way to start the day, they sure pull hard.
    The tinnie will be coming with me for sure mate, got a lot of jack hunting to be done down that way I'll be looking for some local tips

    Regards, Tony

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