Well, after I spent all week praying for the weather to be ok for an offshore break and checking seabreeze daily, the Gods of wind and swell decided 'it's only going to be the Pin for you young Tony'. [smiley=bigcry.gif]
Not to worry, it was still a great day with great company, even if we could'nt get offshore.
Did I say It was windy ..... a good 20+ knotts most of the day
The day started at the 'Well' where most boats where in the water by 7.00am. A good effort considering some had attended weddings or driven back down from the sticks at some ungodly hour. Me, I'm still getting used to having to drive more than a minute to the ramp.
Saturday musta been a big day for yabbie punping cause it was hard going to get a bucket, but after a coupla banks we where set. Thanks for the loan of the pump James. While James headed for the Pin Bar, Brett and I headed for Dazza, who unfortunately had 2 flat batteries after arriving on Saturday nite. Found him up with the 'white shoe brigade' amongest the smell of bacon & eggs. Oh dear some do it tough.
With a quick exhange of batteries we're all off ready to terrorise the Pin fish populationand we scared the hell outta those undersize Bream and Tarwine ....... well some of us did picked up something decent amougnst the rubbish. My deckie harry scored a nice Flattie going 42cm and I picked up a couple of Bream going 28cm. (was never gonna be a serious fish for me , just a fun day out on the water) Matty and Dazza landed some nice Flattie too, not sure on size but I guess the guys will fill us in. Big Greenback came aboard James boat near the Pin Bar or was it Salmon, no Tailor ... yes Tailor ... I think .... yes Tailor
The 'ol Southwind might not have the rep as a fish magnet, like some well known Ausfishers, but it sure is a boat magnet ..... Geez pull up in spot drop anchor and within minutes sorrounded by boats., sure as hell friendly campers down there. Even around Peel I don't reckon they anchor that close to ya.
Lunch was at the bedrooms where we met up with Mark and Matt, and enjoyed a usual Ausfish chinwag and quick piccy session. And you wouldn't believe as we pulled up with a session of Haines' behind, another V17L was docked on the beach ready for a week of camping. (the boys will add the pics)
Well, the weather wasn't going to let us offshore, but all in all we still had a terrific day and in usual Ausfish style. Great to meet fellow Ausfishers too and to put faces to names.
Maybe the weather gods will smile on me next trip
PS excuse the quality of pics, taken on elcheapo Digi