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Wello Report 18th SEP
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Thread: Wello Report 18th SEP

  1. #1

    Wello Report 18th SEP

    Howdy Folks, I took my Father and Brother on Holiday from NZ for a first time plastic session chasing squire on the Wello reef this morning.
    Got off to a late start due to a sleep in but managed to get to the spot x around high tide.
    Very choppy seas greeted us as we started our first drift and it wasn't long before my brother hooked up to something that took off at a rate of knots.
    A few minutes later a nice 50cm squire was in the net.
    Tide was on the ebb and the bites were less frequent but we got a few undersize squire and lost 2 better fish due to breakoffs.
    Wind started to ease by lunch time but the fish just went off the bite so it was time to call it a day.
    Must say that big wind over the last few days has sure made the water cloudy so hopefully in the next few weeks we get the odd good fish around the bay island reefs.
    Cheers Brent

  2. #2

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    nice one aquarius

  3. #3
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Trying to convert the family now mate
    Yes the shallow should be good fishing this week on the down side of the moon, and the rough weather we had, stirs up all the shallows and everything goes in looking for tasty morsels.
    We'll have to get this plastics session organized mate. Would like to have a go during summer chasing mackeral on them and see how many we can loose

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member skippa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Good work Brent,

    I've found it a bit quiet on the bay shallow reefs with all that clear water about. Looks like a bit of cloudy water in the pic too. BTW, looks like an Island in the back ground than Wello tho?

    Sounds like a good blokey day with ya dad and bro too, good stuff.

    PS spoken like a true Baito Brian
    Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem Bright ...... untill they speak

  5. #5

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Hi Brian, Yes mate the Folks are even taking some plastics back to NZ LOL......One Trip is all it takes!!!
    My father is 79 years young and he handled the sloppy conditions no problem at all.......just got a bit wet when he sat down in the motor
    I have a few tricks up my sleeve for this mackerel season so let me know when your ready for a MACKEREL BASH.

    Tony The Island in the background is Green........Pic taken from around the Huybers area Whoops i mean somewhere in Moreton bay.
    I reckon if we had been there on daybreak we would have nailed a few good ones........Next weekend weather permitting.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Well done on a day one would have assumed wasnt to fishable - proves a days fishing anytime is better than thinking about it!

    Great work Aquarius

  7. #7

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    I didn't think you could catch snapper on plastics... Great work! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

  8. #8

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    GDay Brent,
    We were the other boat out there!!
    We got there at daybreak and there was nothing doing til the wind got up a bit and made the sea sloppy. We got our first keeper at around 8am, then from 9.30am till 11am we got another 6 squire, a good cod and a 28cm bream!!
    When we got to the ramp at 5.15am, there was not another boat trailer to be seen.
    The water sure is cloudy now, and we got most fish around the 15 foot mark!!

  9. #9

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Hi Beefaman, yes it sure was quiet boat wise out there........That wind scared most people i guess.
    If it wasn't for SEABREEZE.COM.AU showing the wind easing by late arvo i too would have stayed at home.
    I did see a smaller tinny halfway between the Huybers and Wello Leads.....was that you?
    Looks like you got together a good feed mate.........I was trying hard to get my Father on to a fish but he just couldn't get the hang of casting far enough away from the boat.
    His fishing methods involve using the old
    Was just great to get out there on the water with some of my family.

    Flounder i think i have caught just about every estuary and bay species on soft plastics..........THEY CAN'T RESIST..LOL

    Cheers Brent

  10. #10

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    That was us mate.....where we were was good structure on a nice dropoff....just kept drifting in and out of the zone, and we knew we were on it as nearly everytime we got hookups on the dropoff
    We saw you go past a few times, and up to the Beacon. Have found lately the better fish are down around where we were.
    Had my first TT jighead the hit about 5metres from the boat...then it surfaced and splashed around on top before straightening the hook Was a damn nice fish too, would of went 55 or so I'd say!!
    Also got smashed by a nice Tuna about 5 metres from the boat. Just exploded, grabbed my SP and took off. Got bricked in about 5 secs...then my two mates got smacked and wound in frayed leaders!!! DOH!!!

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    good work .... nice report

  12. #12

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Well done Brent. Good to here that wind murked things up a bit. Was crystal clear on thursday at Scarborough but it was howlin when flying out to work on Saturday. Now for some good rain before I get back!!!
    Cheers, Dezzer

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Wow sounds like some good fish around.



  14. #14

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    There are some good fish getting around alright, just gotta be patient as the water is now murkier....we found heaps of undersize fish as well.....we got over 40 for the day!! And only one Pike, and one grinner

  15. #15

    Re: Wello Report 18th SEP

    Good to see that Wello still has the goods. I am trying to convert my old man to plastic. Brent might be going off shore this weekend.

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