Howdy Folks, I took my Father and Brother on Holiday from NZ for a first time plastic session chasing squire on the Wello reef this morning.
Got off to a late start due to a sleep in but managed to get to the spot x around high tide.
Very choppy seas greeted us as we started our first drift and it wasn't long before my brother hooked up to something that took off at a rate of knots.
A few minutes later a nice 50cm squire was in the net.
Tide was on the ebb and the bites were less frequent but we got a few undersize squire and lost 2 better fish due to breakoffs.
Wind started to ease by lunch time but the fish just went off the bite so it was time to call it a day.
Must say that big wind over the last few days has sure made the water cloudy so hopefully in the next few weeks we get the odd good fish around the bay island reefs.
Cheers Brent![]()