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Thread: My first Flathead Classic

  1. #1

    My first Flathead Classic

    Welll what can I say, I had a ball for my very first classic. Even though we only fished the first 2 days we still managed to land some good fish and score some good points. Best fish we got went 80cm caught by my partner and my best went 58cm as I couldn't land a fish over 60cm for some reason. Last time I checked the individual scores I was 23rd and my fishing partner 18th and we managed to finish the comp at 13th. Sorry no pics as of yet but I will post some up in the next few days. Team Wheredafugrwees will be back next year with more experience and hopefully aim for the top ten.

  2. #2

    Re: My first Flathead Classic


    Glad to hear you enjoyed the Classic. There were a number of Ausfish guys at the Classic that I know of - Cloud9, scottygc, frankj, armoz, robsee, flickflack, JT and myself.

    Good to see you did well - JT and I had our best result in three Classics - we managed 11th place. Our results were similar to yours - 77cm, 71cm, 68cm, 62cm and so on.

    Thursday was a great day's fishing - beautiful weather and plenty of fish on the bite - then it went downhill from there! Friday afternoon was ugly, today was just plain scary! But overall another great Classic.

    We too will post some pics soon - need sleep at the moment! Results should be posted on by Monday night if you are interested.

  3. #3

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    First time classic for me too guys

    A fun event especially the ride up to the pin today, I fished in team lively lures and we came 4th. I came 5th in the individual standings. We ended up with 66 fish for the three days, the biggest was 85cm with a few 70's but mostly small fish. I will also post a few pics when I get my camera from brad, have to open the restaurant tom at 6 in the morning YAY!!!.

    Cheers Roderick

  4. #4

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    Quote Originally Posted by flickflack
    First time classic for me too guys

    A fun event especially the ride up to the pin today, I fished in team lively lures and we came 4th. I came 5th in the individual standings. We ended up with 66 fish for the three days, the biggest was 85cm with a few 70's but mostly small fish. I will also post a few pics when I get my camera from brad, have to open the restaurant tom at 6 in the morning YAY!!!.

    Cheers Roderick

    What?....there is 4 better flathead fisherman than you?
    I cant accept that

  5. #5

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    Im with rabittohbill, flickflack i was waiting for, "yeah we went ok, only got 23233 fish over 80cm and only got first place in both individuals and teams."
    Great work. Who won the event? (so all us ausfish guys who were rooting for an ausfish win can go roll em )

  6. #6

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    Greeny took out biggest fish most meters and top angler, and team lucky strike took top honours for the 5th year (I think) Michael Green got top junior. So a clean sweep for the green machine.
    It was a really good competition especially the first day. There was something like 2200 fish caught(somewhwere around that figure.). The biggest was 91cm with quite a few in the 70's and 80's

    Look forward to next year.

  7. #7

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    first time for me as well

    team franga frowers came 68th
    and i came a lowly 154th

    was good to meet up with a few other ausfishers

    the weather thursday was fantastic and we landed a few early but nothing big,friday we headed up the pin agian landing a few early before the wind picked up and made it difficult to fish

    saturday we fished around crab island out of the wind but with no fish around we headed back early, washed down the boat and headed to the pub for a few beers

    Dave Green won champ angler,champ team and biggest fish 91cm ,his son was champ junoir biggest fish for a junior was 83cm i think

    seeyas next year


  8. #8

    Re: My first Flathead Classic


    I thought it was really funny the way Paul Bert called out your guys name.
    Were did you think up a name like that.

  9. #9

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    hey sounds like a great comp, but more importantly its great to hear there are plenty of healthy flatties out there, like others have said seems our releasing of the big girls is paying off, good to hear fellas...Carlos

  10. #10

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    Here is the foto of the 85cm flattie we got on the last day in the wind.

  11. #11

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    flick flack,

    how many did you get on the last day, as I know you and I were real close in the scores on day 2, and you ended up jumping a lot of places on the last day?

    we only managed two legal fish on the last day - was not a fun day on the water!

  12. #12

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    Like Marty said, it was nice to catch up with fellow Ausfish members. Fishing on the Thursday was good, Marty and I put 21 flatties in the boat which is a record for us, to do that on the first day of the comp was unbelievable. Day one saw us in 6th place and very happy.

    Day 2 started with better weather than Day 1, but fewer fish in the boat, only 12 with our last fish at around 1.30pm when the wind got up to around 30 kts from the North. Day 2 results saw us sitting in 8th spot.

    Day 3, an the BOM got the weather right, blowing its ar$e off from the SW, the run from Short Island to Eastern Caruso island saw us surfing in 2 feet of ugly swell, scary stuff at times. We ended up walking the banks in a couple of spots and only boating 2 fish for the session. The run home up the Jacobs Well channel is not one I would like to repeat again in a hurry, with both of us wishing we were in something bigger than Marty's 435 Hornet, something about 5 metres longer . Final results saw us finish in 11th spot, induvidually Marty finished 15th and i finished 25th. Results which we were very happy with, good to see all the hard work we put in before the comp come together and pay dividends.

    I think everyone enjoyed themselves, I for one had a ball, being on the committee let me see our these comps run from the inside and I would like to thank all those that helped out, and also the sponsors, without them there would be no comp. Big thanks also to my team mate Marty_Z, who provided his boat again this year (next year mine might be ready) not only for the comp but for the pre-fish sessions.

    Great to see good numbers of fish caught (and released) 277 anglers caught 2,200 + fish in 24.5 hours of comp time, around half those fish were Qld legal (between 40 & 70cm).

    I look forward to next years comp, but until them its nearly Jack time, still trying to get my first on the Gold Coast.

    Here are some pics from the Classic.



    Marty and his biggest of the comp, 77cm

  13. #13

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    My biggest 71cm

  14. #14

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    The winner of the Seniors prize (middle) with Tim Stessl (Mako Craft) and Julian Gascoine (BRP - Evinrude & Johnson outboards)

  15. #15

    Re: My first Flathead Classic

    The Juniors Prize (kids not included)

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