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Thread: School Mackerel at Currimundi

  1. #1

    School Mackerel at Currimundi

    Had a great morning with my mate steve at Curri drifting with Pillies and Gar, good size school Mack hitting us hard.
    Average 3kg / 3.5kg good quality and plenty of fight. we landed 10 by 10.30am.
    lost a few good runs, but happy with 10.
    Soory haven't got the Camera organised yet.


  2. #2

    Re: School Mackerel at Currimundi

    I spoke to a couple of fella's at the ramp on Friday night and they said the mac's have been there for 2 weeks now. good hunting
    planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish

  3. #3

    Re: School Mackerel at Currimundi

    Lets start a stampede

    They're in the Northern Bay atm as well if you look around the tuna schools

    mmmm - nearly time to ditch the bottom feeders

  4. #4

    Re: School Mackerel at Currimundi

    When we cut through the howe channel across to the top of hutchies saturday, there were longtail and macs school everywhere.
    Plus and i know its early but there also looked like mackeral school feeding at the far eastern end of howe channel just before she drops off.
    So with any luck they all could be turning up early.

  5. #5

    Re: School Mackerel at Currimundi

    the Mackmauler slug factory might need a night shift to get those slugs orders out on time!!!

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