PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Soft Plastic Jewie
Had to go down the Coast on Monday but decided to take the boat with just in case there would be time for a quick fish on the way back. Managed to get on the Richmond River at about 3 in the aavo and got a few flatties up to 72cm while I was trying for jewies. I managed one schoolie and dropped one before a massive storm chased me off the water with my tail between my legs. The one I got was on an Atomic 4 inch shad and made the aavo worthwile. Strange how my boat seems to follow me wherever I go.Good Fishing to you all.
Interesting choice of colour there mate, i also notice that you use a perfection loop (assuming) to join your plastic to the leader.. i was of the impression that plastics get a better action when tied directly to leader via a uni knot? I know that using hardbodies for barra in the impoundments i found the perfection loop gave them a huge improvment in action , but plastics i'm not convinced. What are your thoughts?
well you can't really dispute his results i'd heard the same thing about the perfection loop, but i guess is comes down to how you're swimming your plastics, and personal preference, those shad have a fair bit of built on action, i'll have to give it try tonight.
Sorry guys there are no loops there. I use a quick release clip that a mate of mine makes in South Africa. We use them on all our lure fishing even the minnows. They are a small profile clip that are extremely strong, we tested the tiny ones on tiger fish in Zimbabwe and had 30lb braid fail but not the clips. I have not seen anything like them in Aus yet. They work great on the jacks because i can still use a tiny clip that doesnt mess with the action on the lure , but still have heaps of strength.
no mate was a bit short of time on the water . I got a few nice tailor as well on sps so changed to a surface lure to have a go just as the storm was rolling in and second cast had a big swirl and ended up with a 45cm flathead . My first frigging flathead on a surface lure, couldnt take a pic of that cos it started to rain and I pulled the pin.
The last talk Doug Burt gave regarding sp's and flatties he also recommended tying a loop knot to the jighead. The theory is it allows the lure to swim more freely. I fished with a loop knot all thru the Flattie Classic this year and had great results.
I am too busy (read lazy) to learn the perfection loop, so I just tie a uni knot then pull it up the leader 1/2 an inch. The loop stays put until you get a fish/snap then usually tightens up - I just pull it back up the leader and the loop is back. Too easy!
dude nice catch.. that lure colour is a very nice colour, its my favourite colour for flatties in my local river <logan> i have not seen that jig head ur using before and it looks like about half oz. keeep up the the good fishin dude.
One of the advantages of using a loop knot (if you don't use a snap) is that after a few flatties your knot directly above the jighead sometimes becomes frayed form abrasions during the fight, and it can be difficult to tell the knot strength is down... until you've almost got the next 90+cm flattie to the net and then the knot gives!! $$#%%@#
Using a loop knot you can see the wear just above the jig much easier, and change the line when appropriate. In addition to this, having a loop knot allows the jig to rotate easily whilst playing a fish, which in itself causes less line abrasion.
As for the loops, I've always used them for plastics. I personally think they impart more action into the plastic... The simple way is to tie a loop, and swim the plastic in the shallows (Or a pool for some people ), then do the same with a knot pulled tight to the eyelet... See which ones works better there, and make a personal choice.