PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Exploration pays off
Went for the exploratory fish this morning up towards the airport. Incoming tide, beautiful day, unkown amounts of fish in an unfished (by me) creek. Excellent! SHould be a good day!
Got to the carpark, and walked about 200m to the waters edge. I had taken the advice of some very knowledgable people from thsi site (Thanks Beefaman!) and bought a packet of 2" Berkley Power Hawgs yesterday arvo. Decided to give them a go first as had neer used them. First cast in to see how they swim... Sinks to the bottom... Twitch twitch... Pause... Twitch twitch BANG!!! Nice little fight on 4lb braid sees me with a roughly 25cm bream! - Liking these plastics right now!
Walked along the river and fished anything that looked slightly "fishy" and a lot of things that didn't! It was quite-ish for a while, but he further I walked, the better it got! LOADS of bream around 15-25cm... As I got closer and closer to the airport/Nudgee way, there were loads of sunken trees, mangroves, drains, the whole kit n kaboodle... Found one spot that I absolutely LOVE! Heaps of branches under the water right in front of a drain near the merge of 2 creeks... Caught the best bream there (Went 27cm to fork) and he gave me a fair bit of curry! 4lb fireline is so much fun!!!
Left them biting, and headed back to the car. Home by about 1:30pm, and now onto the whiskeys! Doesn't get much better!!! Camera batteries were flat (Was a bit drunk when uploading some pics last night and left it on )so no pics as yet. Have a couple on the phone, but can't upload to home PC. Will try to put up later.
Sounds like a good trip! I love the 2" Berkley Power Hawgs as well espically in areas with any overhanging structure (trees etc.) Sounds like good fun and on the light gear its always awesome!! Keep the reports coming!!
I love that they swim with the hook point up! They also don't seem to snag up too much... Which is handy for where I was fishing!
With the hook point riding up (I was using TT Lures jigheads, 1/16 Oz #2 hook I think), every fish was hooked in the top lip! Made for all fish being released very easily to grow bigger and wait for me to come back again!!!
Forgot to mention I also caught a baby tailor (Like the post Chanquetas posted the other day) on a berkley bass minnow 3" in Smelt Scales.
Nice one Dan
It definatly pays to try all those spots that so often get overlooked.
I used to do that a lot when I lived on the sunny coast, it's amazing how many top spots are right under our noses. So many of the tiny little creeks and streams hold great numbers of fish. It used to blow my socks off the amount of bass to be had in the fresh ones, that most people don't even give a second glance!!!
Veeerrryyyy interesting.....
Might just have to pop in there myself and have a little flick of the watermelons. I always keep some in the car, plus rod and reel, ready to go.
Sounds like a great day out, the bream on the light gear sounds like fun and all on a beautiful SE Qld day, doesn't get any better., and the Cowboys won too. A Great Day.
Regards Cameron.
my brother and i have been to Nudgee to throw the lures around the last couple of weekends, and we're starting to look for somewhere different to go to.
Brenno - Anywhere around Nudgee seems to be good at the moment! Went to Nudgee Creek last night (Just for a change from the Scultz Canal - I mean... Breakfast Creek..... ) and caught this guy (25cm) on a Berkley 3" Bass Minnow in Smelt Scales... Was right near the canoe launching place in amongst a giant swarm of sandflies!!!!! (Glad I bought bushmans today!)
The best suggestions I can give to anyone wanting to find these sorts of places for bream is fish structure! If you're not losing jigheads, then your not close enough The lighter the jighead you can get away with (depending on current, plastic, depth, etc) is better. I quite like 1/16th with a size 2 hook in TT Lures. For plastics I like the Berkley Power Baits in 3" Bass Minnow (Smelt Scales, Pumpkin Seed), but I especially like the 2" Power Hawgs as well now! Also try the Atomic 2" Fat Grubs. There are loads of plastics that will work on them... Just read the reports section on here, and every picture in magazines you see, look at the plastic/colour/size/etc. Even write it all down in a big book with a page per species. Then gather as much info as you can. By the end of it, you will have a pretty comprehensive list, and you'll see a pattern emerging. Then just follow that.
The hardest bream on SP's is not (In my opinion) the first one.... It's actually the second! The first one is usually out of the blue, and not entirely expected. You then get hooked (excuse the pun! ) and it's that next one thats the hardest! After that, you start to get a feel for it, and they'll come to you...
Anywhere with structure (Rocks under water, trees in the water, drops offs, etc) will all attract fish. Just read as much info as you can on the species you want, and try to find that all in the one spot...
If you want the good info on how to get bream on plastics though, there are a lot of people on here that would be better to give you advice... I'm just posting what I've found to hopefully give others a "helping hand" to add something else to how they fish. If it gets 1 person onto a nice fish, then it's paid off... If it doesn't, then I still got my photo on the internet!!!!
Good onya Dan,
Sorry i couldnt make it , I guess your out of pocket now for the "bushmans" If yougive me more notice Im sure youll save on repellant.
Didnt make it onto the beach Saturday night, got distracted by the footy & a few coldies.
Had a go Sunday morning right in front of Mums and got a nice tailor (chopper) and a solid bream . Two casts, two fish, went home for breakfast
Onya Rando! Mate - Shoulda had you there to keep the buggers away from me!!! They were nasty!
I think that the marketing people for Special K, are fisherman! The reason is that lately I'm beginning to understand that fishing places others would never think of is really paying off, as they're not overfished, and often very productive... This is the same as their motto "The simple things in life are often the best"!!!