Once again boys, top fish. There nice size parrot Rob. You guys seem to get the better fishing weather through the week.
Once again boys, top fish. There nice size parrot Rob. You guys seem to get the better fishing weather through the week.
Rob, Timbo & Phil you have to stop this it's killin me
top fish Phil & love the 6 spews that's gotta hurt.
Top work Rob the fishing master, Tim the plastics king and Phil the man with the iron stomach![]()
Great fish fellas and Phil that is one ripsnorter of a cobe
hey boys looks like a good trip with great results....musta been the berly hey....congrats
terry (maztez)
Cheers Tezza
Top work yet AGAIN
Conditions don't look all that bad ....you've done worse
Phill , nice cobe mate , especially for a first , trust these lads to put you onto em !
Top fish again boys. Phil, you did well there mate. I remember when I used to get sick and I didn't feel like doing *anything* let alone pulling in something like that. Well done mate.
Yeh, conditions in the pics look nice, that was as we were coming home, by that stage the wind had all but dropped and the miles of white caps had disappeared and phil actually had some colour![]()
what do u mean? white is a colour, so is green,Originally Posted by mackmauler
Bring on the Marlin!!!
heres mine
safe in the "shed"
thanks - a - lot chris [spiro] for the GPS marks...
"whats the time"
Nice Going Boys - some top fish there - the Tuskies are HUGE
Rob - you've gone to the top of the ranks - outdone yourself again... Show us some pics of the pearlies
Tim - is that your TLD with Razza's modified handle? - If so, do you run braid or mono for bait fishing? I'm guessing you use braid for soft plastics? I'd be interested to know what you use for different situations.
Phil, Mate Awesome Cobia and you managed to smile and all - well done. My wife knows exactly how you feel - I have a pic of her holding up a smaller cobia - she had just been throwing her guts up when she hooked up - still managed to smile for the camera though. Amazing how a good fish can make you smile in the most dire of situations hey?![]()
Top stuff guys and congrats on your first cobia mate, not the last i'm sure. Regards Scott
Well done boys, you guys never fail to impress. Well done phil, now its my turn
Unlike a souths boy to crumble like that [smiley=disappointed.gif] [smiley=sick2.gif]Originally Posted by philip_thomson
Phil, you gotta start eating those pillie sandwiches and wash them down with a glass of tuna oil before the trips out. Then your efforts don't go unrewarded and the crew will cheer for you with every spew
. A very respectable 1st cobia mate.
Rob and Tim, you arn't leaving much room to suprise us with reports anymore. When we see a report posted by Mackmauler we know what we are going to see before we even open it these days.......lotsa fish and then even more fish. Now pics of Phil DURING the spew action or pics of Tim jumping in to wrestle the cobes into the boat instead of a using a gaff or pics of Rob with anything other than quality fish in his hands......now that will be different
Cheers, Jay's bro
Top effort fellas
Im glad the conditions werent like that last week.
Well done Phill nice cobia for being abit off colour [smiley=sick2.gif] lol
What can I say Rob, Another great day on the ss mackmauler but then and again when isnt it
Phill I hope you come next time I go out with Rob so as you can burley up some parrot for me lol
Tight Lines