Cuzza, by "cement banks" do you mean "gravel workings"? If so. they're just through the bridge. I've never heard the term "cement banks" before?
There's another gravel working further down stream at the sharp left kick at Castle Hill basin which has a deep hole at the red marker and just outside the green marker there's a sunken barge that holds jacks. It also holds some enormous pike eels if you need a bit of a laugh :-). It's very snaggy and you have to explore it with a sounder at high water........low water (king tide) and you may just lose your prop. I anchor up current and send a floater down to it........never yet pulled a jack from it, but the speed of the takes and the run for cover has me thinking they're jacks......I always get snagged > The pike eels seem to head for open water once hooked for some reason? and are an easier proposition. It's a good place for sinking a pot too as they are always in view of your boat whilst you fish.