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Thread: Rainbow Warriors ;)

  1. #1

    Rainbow Warriors ;)

    Back fromn a week in Rainbow Beach. Lots of fun up there, would recommend to all to give it a go. The tuna were busting up all over the place in the channel between fraser and inskip pt. and right through the bay. We got onto a couple with my light spinning gear (3kg braid) that i'd normally use for SP flathead etc. WOW don't they go for it. We lost a few lures in the process but nothing too drastic. Best performer was a 20gm Halco slice (lost on the 4th hookup) and a 45gm raider. Caught most with 4kg braid on 6kg rod, Makes for fun fighting.

    Cheers, Roo.

    Ps. What kind of tuna are these? I'm not sure small yellow fin maybe?

  2. #2

    Re: Rainbow Warriors ;)

    and one for my brother in law.

    Note you can see the dunes of Double island pt. in the background. This fish had us drifting out the bar far enough that we could see Rainbow beach surfclub and the sandblow. All Good except when you're in a 3.5m v nose punt and motoring into a NW chop and run out tide to get back in....
    Lots of fun.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member scuttlebutt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Rainbow Warriors ;)

    They're Northern Bluefin, or Longtail tuna. Would have been fun on the light line. Really nice as sashimi.



  4. #4

    Re: Rainbow Warriors ;)

    Roo sounds like a week you won't forget in a while, good stuff on light tackle


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