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Thread: JACK TIME in the Tweed,

  1. #31

    Re: JACK TIME in the Tweed,


    Yeah mate they are a great fish , the water went from 18 to 23 in a few days. It was 23,5 when I got these fish.

  2. #32

    Re: JACK TIME in the Tweed,

    Ohh and I forgot to mention Rod ......

    I totally agree with your jack fishing ethics mate.

    I think we should really push the point of keeping your first jack for the season (or session) and letting as many go as possible. That's exactly what I do.

    I Love the taste of these fish above all others (bar fresh spotty mackerel and threadfin salmon) and it's bloody hard to let em go when they taste so good ..... but the simple fact is that it's much more depressing to go fishing next time or next year and find your honey hole has been flogged and you go home without catching anything!!

    These are a great sportsfish. They are juvenile in the estuaries and need our efforts to keep the population in good numbers. Sure We can blame it on the pro's, but I know of plenty of amateur cowboys who butcher them without a thought as well, so we need to do our bit.

    I know I'm preaching to the converted on this site, but hopefully you guys out there can pass the good principles on to others, esp the juniors just getting into the game.

    Good on Ya Rod for leading the way.

  3. #33

    Re: JACK TIME in the Tweed,

    Great fish make sure you leave some for me

  4. #34

    Re: JACK TIME in the Tweed,

    Your a legend rod. You make it look so easy, Im still waiting for my first jack.

    Are you still gunna talk to us plebs when your a sponsored fisherman? We might have to send you to the pro ranks soon.


  5. #35

    Re: JACK TIME in the Tweed,


    Just fortunate to be in the right place at the right time mate

    Cheers Rod.

  6. #36

    Re: JACK TIME in the Tweed,

    Well done. I picked up a small one at the pin but haven't had time to start chasing them yet but you have given me the fire to do so. Thanks
    for the report.

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