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Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)
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Thread: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

  1. #1

    Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    So where have the snapper gone??????????

    OH well, caught a nice bream on the first cast of the morning, 35cm. Into the esky!

    Then trolled for a bit, bottom bounced for a bit....nothing.....
    Headed back out to my little spot and WHAMMO! Had a few attempts at flying through the air on his way to the boat, but finally boated a very nice Oxe Eye Herring 60cm. They have one star for eating but he's going into the smoker.

    My mate caught a few undersize squire, and small flattie, all released.

    Then coming back to the ramp, caught a little cod, which went back, then something huge which went down and hid in a hole, which I presume was a big cod.

    A good morning was had. Very pleasant on the bay today.

    Here's the Herring.

  2. #2

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak

    an ox eye herring? wow thats a you ever go for a kayak up towards bribie?.....

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak

    G'day Chanquetas,

    You probably already know of the spot but just in case you don't.

    If you like Kayaking a nice place I discovered is Colleges Crossing Recreation Reserve on the upper reaches of the Brisbane River.

    Put in at the park at the little boat ramp and paddle upstream. It is a lovely paddle.

    Be aware however that there are a lot of Bull Sharks up that way so maybe think twice before going for a dip.

    If you wear polarised sunglasses you should be able to see quite a few fishes as you paddle. The water is usually crystal clear.

    Hope this helps


  4. #4

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    The wee cod.

  5. #5

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    Jimmybob, never had the kayaks to Bribie yet but keen to give it a go in the passage.

    Louis, thanks for the tip, havent actually been up there since I was a kid, we used to go swimming and a mate had some kayaks. And not too worried about the sharks, I mean, they're out in the bay anyway arent they? Cheers,

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    nice fish there Jake, the herring really smashed the plastic by the looks of it

  7. #7

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    chanqueetas,,,let us know when ya go 4 a paddle up the passage and il join ya?

  8. #8

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)


    I'm yet to actually paddle the Bribie Passage. But have spent some time around Coochin Creek and Ningi Creek. Both are great paddling & fishing destinations, but as they aren't close by, I don't get there very much.

    I went to Ningi Creek earlier this year and launched at the eastern end of Ningi Esplanade, which turned out to be a bad move. When we returned to our cars the tide was out and we had nothing but deep, sloppy mud in-front of the jetties. I made the mistake of getting out of my kayak and nearly disappeared all the way to China. Next time I'll be launching from park that is about 1 kilometre further up the Bribie Island road on the left as you drive east.

    Coochin Creek is also another favourite spot. You can head east towards the passage on Roys Road and catch lizards, whiting, bream etc. This section is virtually all sandy bottom. Or you can head west (up-stream) and hit the mangrove areas and catch the same species plus Jacks and Bass. The further you go west the more you start moving into the brackish/fresh water. Lots of snags the further you go west. Have lost a couple of good lures to Jacks around here. Access to Coochin is via the boat ramp, which is just past the camping ground, or you can keep driving east and put in at any number of shoreline locations. Or if you have a 4WD, then there are stacks of forestry tracks to the right that head down to the creek as you head along Roys Road from the Bruce Hwy. The western end of Coochin at either early morning or late in the arvo in summer is a top spot for Jacks.

    I'd also be happy to join you chaps for a paddle and a fish sometime too.


    Gigantor (aka Pete)
    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

  9. #9

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    Midweek is good for me....Jimmybob, Gigantor what about you guys? We can also go weekends but less people midweek.

    We may be going tomorrow into the Pine River if the weather is ok.

  10. #10

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    Midweek is a little difficult for myself, unless I have good leadtime so I can take the day off. Midweek would be the preferred though.

    Might head out to either Shorncliffe again or might checkout Hayes Inlet on Saturday arvo - depending on the weather.
    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

  11. #11

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    Hi there Chanquetas
    Sorry that i haven`t answered your email, not enough posts as yet,
    I am starting to get jealous of all your trips on the Hobies, looks like a great day out despite the lack of Snapper, but I am sure that there are at least a fiew still in residence. I would love to join you for a paddle or two in the near future, was the Cod legal , and are we talking hot or cold smoking for the Herring, having had a bit of experience with both I know that it is hard to go past a cold smoked mullet or pike eel and with a couple a coldies.

  12. #12

    Re: Redcliffe shallows by Kayak (Pics added)

    fellas! i got 3 weeks off startin 14th november so mid week or weekends will be all go soon 4 if ya keen to do the passage im ready then but as 4 somwhere else i got no car i just trolly me kayak down to ningi creek and then paddle out to the passage from there...

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