Hi guys,
Got home from school at about 3:15 pm when my dad said do you want to go fishing for an overnighter so I said yeh. But then he said that it would be very rough. We left at 5:00 pm. Got to Mud Island about half an hour later. Settled down and fished for an hour got nothing. Went to sleep at 7:30 pm. Woke up at 5:00 am and set off for curtan reef. After an we had caght nothing but squire. Then as my dad stood up to check the bait on his float rod when the ratchet started to scream ran straight for the bottem then SNAP! the line broke, dad said he thinks it would be Kingie. Left for the beacons an hour later. Got nothing but Stipey Grunters. It was another 45 mins before dad had noticed that we wre draging anchor. So just as dad was pulling up the anchor my ratchet on my big rod start to go. I grabbed my rod it kept on taking line it ran straight for the pillars of the beacon. I had only played it for 2 mins before I felt a huge thump and then it was gone. Ended the day at 2:30 pm with no fish in the boat but three small Yakka's.