Had a play for an hour or so at a fishing park while I was in Pattaya (Thailand) recently.
I believe these ugly suckers are called Mekong Catfish. I've seen pictures of them that look about the size of your average dinner table, but the place we had them only has them up to about 10kg.
Was an interesting experience, although I wouldn't rate them as a fighting fish.
The bait was bread. A bit on about a 2/O hook and a great handfull in spirally wound wire cage type burley bomb which is attached to the line. If you imagined two cones put end to end you've got the idea.
The water was alive with these things so you don't have to wait long to get one on. It's pretty much a tourist thing so the guide fell baits it up and throws it out and then puts the rod on the ground with bugger all drag until one takes off with it.
They a very careful to make sure you don't have too much drag when you're hooked up. I imagine this is so that you don't bust off (costs them a hook) or injure the fish (they are all released).
Given the size they can run when they want to, but they are pretty much dead weight most of the time.
Anyway, if there over there it's not an intolerable way to spend a couple of hours sitting under a shaded cover with beer in hand waiting for the actions.
My largest - estimate about 6kg