can someone tell me what to look for - do the prawns rise up to the surface and ripple or make any effect in the water or is it a matter of just knowing generally where they are and trying a few casts.
can someone tell me what to look for - do the prawns rise up to the surface and ripple or make any effect in the water or is it a matter of just knowing generally where they are and trying a few casts.
Generally, if there are enough prawns to make it worth throwing a cast net over them you will see them "flicking" across the water as your boat approaches them. Look for action closer to the banks where your boat wash is splashing at trolling speed, off the plane - but that's if they are in shallow water. In deeper water from 5 meters to about 10 mtrs you will need a fairly good sounder. What you are looking for is what is decribed as seeing a shower of rain off in the distance, where you see verticle lines of rain. The more lines bunched up on the sounder, the more prawns there are. I am still working on this one because I have not had a good prawning season since buying a new Lowrance, but the best outing I ever had it didn't matter about the sounder. They were skipping across the water and thumping into my boat in about 5 mtrs of water. 9.5 KG that day!!
Good Luck
thnks very much scalem -
Yep, be wary of that barge at low or you'll lose your prop. Stay between the green and the red at anytime after half flood/ebb. On the run you can actually see the water swirling as it passes over the barge. Another tip..........I've seen people tied up to that bouy whilst chucking and although you're well clear of the barge if you do, there are still some big snags just downtide of it and I have lost a couple of nets and an anchor there. It's also illegal [smiley=devil.gif] [smiley=evilgrin.gif]The prawns and the big mullet make it worthwhile to me though, and I have it pretty sussed now, just where the snags are. I'll still stick to cheap nets though. Big baits and you'll have some fun with pike eels. Anytime the tide is at full pelt, you will pull plenty of herring also. Slack water and everything seems to bugger off.......but where toIt's not that they've just stopped feeding 'cause you would still pull 'em in the net [smiley=huh2.gif]
The X marker a couple of hundred metres further down is also a place to try. You can see a dark patch at low which is shingle.......very rare amongst all that mud. The mullet seem to "play" there and with it being shallow you stand a better chance of 'em not escaping under, as the net sinks. The beauty of that spot is that you can fish and keep an eye on your pots for a good length of the bank.
Go mighty Broncos
Go Wallabies
mmmmm did log out again kev, do ya feel any younger. be nice to be that young with experience of someone slightly older
Yeah mate. he dashed off to the Blue Light disco and left himself logged on. Tarted himself up like a 16yr old on the razzleOriginally Posted by blaze
Think I'll ask him if he scored