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Thread: New Bay P.B.

  1. #31

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    Isaacs the reason mate they have big A-Holes is they munch up coral and grit, and im bloody sure if i was eating that stuff, i would want one as big to get rid of the debri
    Whatch the old bit Spiro, you chase tuskies in the wrong place
    Neil thats the prob with a lot they race over terriotry thinking things are bigger and better in the deep blue, and dont try their own backyard

  2. #32

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    yeh gotta admit, one helluva nice fish!

  3. #33

    Re: New Bay P.B.


    now i know what monste are out there .i got bastet so many times never tought about fish like that.
    cheers no_luck

  4. #34

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    Now thats a brute Webby. [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] Hope you got some good daylight shots, and combed whats left of ya hair lol .... could be a B&B cover coming up.



  5. #35

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    Webby, webby, webby.... You harass people about catching bait, then pull in fish like that!!!

    Damn mate! Is there anything you can't catch!!!

    Top fish mate. Hopefully one day I will be able to give you a few rums for a few hints from the info you hold.....

    (Still waiting for that Mud trip )

  6. #36

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    Un bloody believeable! Awesome fish!

  7. #37

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    what a BRUTE of a Tuskie, nice one Webby !

  8. #38

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    That is going to take some serious filliting..... I struggle to rip a fillet off a 2kg tusky.

  9. #39

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    So I see you're getting ready for Tassie

  10. #40

    Re: New Bay P.B.


    YOUR KIDDING That is one serious Gut Buster !!

    I would imagine Scotty W. may get to see it in the next B&B, especially if you get the prized "Money Shot", opps, I mean "Cover Shot".

    Keen to hear the full length version on its capture.

    Very impresive


  11. #41

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    Mark nearly at that stage where you have to comb it over the top to fill in the gaps
    Brett the only thing i want from Tassie is some sweet crays
    Cragie, Nearly gave Scotties 15kg beast a run for its money.
    So when we headen out in the Red Express, seeing as Brett's too busy being a big time game fisho

  12. #42

    Re: New Bay P.B.




  13. #43

    Re: New Bay P.B.


    I thought for a moment there you may have topped scotties best, it should impress him all the same

    Watching the weather for this weekend. I have Saturday free if you would like to be the Co-pilot Keen to get a few more Macks, thinking either Shipping chanel beacons from Tangas to Bribie.....or driving to Moolooaba and hitting wide currimundi ???
    If the weather is ordinary, we may have to sneak over to the Rainbow

    Yes, "Buggy Dyer" has billy fever, not sure how we lure him back from the dark side of the force ??

    I'll be in touch, late in the week,


  14. #44

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    that is an absolute snodger , when we going my boat or your

  15. #45

    Re: New Bay P.B.

    freakin kickass

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