The plans to chase some LTs today were cancelled last night (sorry Rando) as I had to pick up a midday shift today. Still awake at 3:30am so stuff it....packed the rig and off I snuk for a south bay quicky. On the water at still dark so parked at Peel to wait for sunrise. Had a couple good runs on the bream gear but into the rocks every time so out came the TLD. Minutes later a decent estuary cod was boated, pics taken and released. The next bait was taken by a squire which was also released after a pic to help even out the numbers of boats compared to fish around peel. was gonna be a quick LT hunt so the sun is up and the anchor follows. Start heading up rainbow channel and find a school at Myora beacon. One hit but no hookup. As I begin to follow them up the channel the motor coughs and stalls. Damn...forgot to get more I empty the reserve tank and head to raby bay for refueling. Once there I decide to just call it a day as I really shoulda been sleeping anyhow. Must sleep now. Goodnight.
Cheers, Jay