well, made the call yesterday arvo to give it a crack
this morning. left spinaker around 3.30am and headed
over towards hutchies. not much doing on the sounder so
went a little further east and had a sticky beak. was about 8knotts
of a southerly blowing and a couple knotts of current in the oppistite direction
making the drift a little fast. used the parachute for a bit and started
pulling some fish. droped the pick into them and they went nuts. couldnt get
a bait down to the bottom without been smashed. ended up with our bag of
quality perlies and some mixed reef as well. pulled the pin early as we had a
heap of fish and i was happy as larry. got my form back today with some nice
perlies and left the grinners till next week. was a great day on the water and
had a ball.
cheers dale
some pics to follow