Hi all
I got a phone call at 21h30 on tuesday night from a mate asking me if I was up for a jack fish in the morning. What a question I replied always up for it. I met him at the boat ramp at first light and after getting carried onto the boat by the mossies( definately the last time I wear short pants in the morning.) we were on the water. Made a change from fishing the Tweed,nice to fish a few new spots . We fished the first spot with sp's but no joy so up and off we went to the next spot. Man there are just tons of spots in that waterway were a Jack could be hiding. I started with a popper hoping for a topwater bite after seeing a bit of surface activity. Probably my fourth cast landed right up tight to one of the pontoons and I started a erratic retrieve back to the boat. The lure dissapeared in a shower of spray. I came up tight and wrestled the first red devil to the boat for the morning. After a quick pic back he went. Definately worth the early start. We alternated between softies and poppers but that was it so next spot. Here it was Pats turn and he showed us how with a nice Jewie on a softie. Kelvin and I were busy discussing the scenery and different lures when Pats asking for the net again and out comes jewie no 2. So we decided to stop talking and start fishing. Kelvin pinned two flathead and then I managed another Jack just before it was time to race back to the boat ramp and a mad rush to get to work on time. So the final tally was Kelvin 2 flatties me 2 Jacks and Pat 2 jewies. A morning of 2's and a good day with plenty of bagging the person on the boat that managed to break a rod, we wont mention any names but he isnt to bad at catching Jewies. Here are the pics unfortunately I had to remove some of the background as I was invited on the trip and would really like to be invited again.