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Thread: North bay run

  1. #1

    North bay run

    Just a quick report, i was suposed to be mowing the lawn and packing for the chrissy trip up north this morning, but i couldnt help myself and we loaded the tss4's and slugs into the tinnie and went for a quick run in the northern bay. Started out chasing a few tuna and then encounted a fierce feeding school of doggies. Had plenty of tripple hookups and some high speed action with these little speedsters, we lost more then were landed but had a ball and kept a good feed ...foxy

    the boys enjoying the ride home across the bay

  2. #2

    Re: North bay run

    A few in the box

  3. #3

    Re: North bay run

    Nice catch mate, fishing gets the better of us at times any mack action ? enjoy the feed Cheers

  4. #4

    Re: North bay run

    hey dfox,

    awesome fish there mate. Definatey better than mowing the lawn and packing! Just looking at your box i'd say you probabbllllllly made the right decision...

    cheers danny shep

  5. #5

    Re: North bay run

    what a top catch... hey why didn,t you call me to join you boy,s

  6. #6

    Re: North bay run

    A good session mate well done

  7. #7

    Re: North bay run

    I was gonna ask you a few questions foxy but you're probably mowing the lawn

    You made the right decision mate, well done.


  8. #8

    Re: North bay run

    Smart move foxy, the grass will still be there tomorrow.

  9. #9

    Re: North bay run

    good catch foxy! good day 4 it ay.

    what area of the northen bay were they more active mate?

  10. #10

    Re: North bay run

    couple of nice macks there dave,
    where you going for christmas ?

  11. #11

    Re: North bay run

    didn't you know the BOM forecast was 20+ ????
    you reckless fool you - damn lucky there fella
    seriously tho - was at Reel Reel Easy Charters (Scarborough) this morning - they had cancelled both charters boats for today based on yesterday afternoons forecast - NOT HAPPY JAN !!
    Haines Hunter 650 'Horizon' 200 4st Johnson (aka Suk DF200) call sign "Dozer" or "Uripper"

  12. #12

    Re: North bay run

    Jacksta - didnt find any schools of spotties

    Luke- most activity was north of the pearl channel. due east of the bribie tower.

    sean- heading up to innisfail for a few weeks

    Rip- im sure everyone fell for that forcast, lol. had the entire bay to ourselves, we left when the wind got upto 5 knotts, the breeze didnt kick in until late this afternoon... foxy

  13. #13

    Re: North bay run

    nice work dave,
    woke up this morning and wasnt to much breeze
    at all on the water. top stuff

  14. #14

    Re: North bay run many days fishin would ya get in if ya onl;y fished by the BOM forecast???

    some nice chewin there foxy


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  15. #15

    Re: North bay run

    hi foxy

    nice catch beats mowing the lawn its to hot
    but not for fishing


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