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Thread: Watch those slippery ramps!

  1. #1

    Watch those slippery ramps!

    Well, my peel island trip today was cut short without even getting the boat into the water. Out at Vicky Pt at 4am, backed the trailer down, took one step out of the car onto the ramp and 'thud', slipped and landed head first into the concrete ramp. Now I have a battered and bruised face, knee, and hip, and I'm off to the doctor this arvo.

    King tides also means king lows and exposes those nasty shallow ends of the ramp. Will learn for next time.

    So much for the last fishing trip for 2005, those squire get to survive for another year . Already have a sore head and its not even the new year yet...

  2. #2

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    Sorry to hear about that mate.

  3. #3

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    Mate I know how you feel!
    I won't be dancing tonight either!
    Take it easy! Hope your 100% again soon!
    Happy New Years!


  4. #4

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!


    Speedy recovery


  5. #5

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    Thats no good Joe a few ales later on may wash the pain away

    Those squire will be bigger next time for ya anyway


    Retired Honda Master Tech

  6. #6

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    Unlucky Joe! hey! have you thought about making a comic video? You and Jason would make a fantastic double act

    Seriously mate, Hope you recover soon enough to enjoy the new year.


  7. #7

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    crikey joe, that's a shocker! first jason does under the vehicle, then you go arse over! what are they trying to tell us?!!! ah, i hope your recovery is speedy and youre out terrorising the squire really soon. take care.


  8. #8

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    that ramp is a shocker though, it's like a slick when it's exposed,

  9. #9

    Re: Watch those slippery ramps!

    Kev, wish I made a video, then at least I can send it off to funniest home videos and get some cash.

    Unfortunately I landed on my face and I now have a big fat shiner black eye to rock up to work with on Tuesday.

    Lucky no permanent injuries, could have easily broken a nose, cracked a skull, or lost some teeth.

    Can't really blame the council for the slick, its actually a fairly well looked after ramp, it was an extremely low tide and only the last 2m were slick, the rest was nice and recently blasted.

    Happy new year guys, and take care on those ramps!

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