The plan was to simply to give the deckie a well-earned rest after her working New Year and to drag the kids around (on whatever) behind Sole to Sole. Fishing was to take a back seat to crabbing and exploring for future crabbing venues.
Day 1. It was really great to meet fellow ausfishers and I was pleasantly surprised at their showing. Good conversation and quite a few laughs, all achieved without opening a stubbyI made up for it in the evening though, just a shame they weren't there
Gave Ausfishers a run to show how well the Whittley handles. Someone, I can''t remeber who, nearly put me on my arse
First time I've had to pull anchor with 4 crew on board
Crabbing result....4 cocks and plenty undersized and jennies returned.
Standard breambo results for the kids when fishing from bank during day
Big Beach rod out into the main channel in the evening with live poddies on size 10/gamakatsku octopus rigged via running ledger to 25lb mono. Four runs.....2 drops, 2 break-offs!