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Thread: JACKpop

  1. #1


    Went out to a hotspot of mine in the coomera tonight and landed a nice jack (42cm). I won the fight, it was neck and neck the whole way, he nailed my river to sea popper and bolted for the pontoons in about 1.5 secs and i then heard the sickening, gut wrenching noise of 20lb leader ripping barnicles off the edge of the pontoon as it grated along the bottom edge . At this point i started to get that funny feeling in my stomach of panic cos i knew it was a jack, so i lowered the rod and ripped him out as fast as i could and then i had him in the boat. Stoked, the fight was the main highlight. Such a good feeling when you win a mongrel fight with a big jack.

    I was using a 4kg live fibre texalium spin with 10lb fireline and 20lb leader

  2. #2

    Re: JACKpop

    Thats awesome!! Gotta love pulling fish out of the snags after a few scary moments... especially a fish of that quality. Well done.

  3. #3

    Re: JACKpop

    healthy looking fish. good catch mate.

  4. #4

    Re: JACKpop

    Well done

  5. #5

    Re: JACKpop

    Great colour

  6. #6

    Re: JACKpop

  7. #7

    Re: JACKpop

    Nice fish JACKpot, they do give an awsome display of power when they hook up don't they. Well done on extracting him from the snag. We went for a quick before work session yesterday but had no luck. How was the water clarity when you went out? The water when we fished was the colour of a Caramel Latte (yum ) and I would say the main reason for the lack of action.



  8. #8

    Re: JACKpop

    Look at the colour of it Nice!

  9. #9

    Re: JACKpop

    Nice, would have to be the the best colour I have seen on a red devil for a while.




  10. #10

    Re: JACKpop

    Nice fish Jackpot - don't they hit those poppers hard?

    How do you find the Texalium rods to use? They look like good rods but are more expensive than a lot of quality graphite rods, which has always put me off.


  11. #11

    Re: JACKpop


    Nice fish there and good report. What leader were you using? I am looking for some 20lb to match up to my 10lb braid and yours seems to have stood up well.


  12. #12

    Re: JACKpop

    Nice catch!! I wish we had as many Jacks up the pine as you have down there

    Anyways congrats on a great fish on a popper!! if you don't mind saying how long were you working the poontoons and boats before you got the hit?


  13. #13

    Re: JACKpop

    nice jack there,

    and nice colour too!! [smiley=devilish.gif]

  14. #14

    Re: JACKpop

    Hi Jackpot

    great fish mate, those river to seas seem to be going alright atm. Hope theres many more to come. I don't think it gets any better than having the hit a popper it certianly is addictive.


  15. #15

    Re: JACKpop

    beautiful jack mate. well done!


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