Hey all,
Journeyed out of Pelican Park at about 3:00am and shot into the Pine to set our pots. That done I decided to cast up a few livies. 20 min had about 30 medium to large greasies and 7 herring in the well. Biggest surprise was a Queen fish about 50 cm wedged firmly in my top pocket (which was released to terrorise the locals) Have they always been in the Pine? That was a first for me. Headed out the river to Woody point (probably could have walked most of the way in the river, jelly blubbers everywhere) Set up on one of the rocks out there and fished till about 9:00 am. There was something out there that was enormous. Busted me of on 20,30,50lbs. We were close to the rocks so I had the drag done up pretty tight. But was left amazed and in awe of whatever this was as it broke the 50lbs by stretching it not by bricking me. I was fishing with a paternoster holding the livies with a 3/0. I could feel alot of head shaking through the line so I'm presuming that it was not a ray. I'm thinking a large cod. But I am not certain because at no time did I see any colour. Were there any ausfishers out there today? If so how did you go.