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Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same! - Page 3
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Thread: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

  1. #31

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    Hi Dave
    Is it possible there is still a small part of the spine in your finger?
    Get it checked if the thing persists.
    Bundy poured into mouth good for the pain,dont waste it on the wound.


  2. #32

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    G'day Wally

    I wonder whether the end of the spike might have broken off. It is still bloody sore and swollen this morning and doesn't feel as though it is getting any better. Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon. I'll keep an eye on it!

    Cheers to you and Ruth


  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    Payback should be in order - cook and eat the blighter.

    I have had quite a few jabs in the legs over the years, none of the wounds lasted being sore more than a couple of hours - they get me on the first lift out of the water. Seriously have it checked if it keeps going.

  4. #34

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    Well it is now 4 days since the cattie got me. The swelling is beginning to abate and the pain is pretty much insignificant. Still can't bend my finger properly, but clearly it is on the mend.
    We have managed a few more feeds of crabs through the week, and caught a few more catfish, but no more do I try to dehook them. They are held over the drum and line cut!
    Stuff the buggers!!!!

    Cheers to all

  5. #35

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    Holy shit 4 days of pain from a single cattie spike - always careful around them buggers but I'll be even more careful from now on.

  6. #36
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    Mate, I got spiked beteen index and 2nd finger the day before new years eve 05 and still have a lump and pain when pressure is put on it!
    Had it all checked out but nothing had broken off! I guess the buggers just really know how to hurt!
    Good luck with yours!

  7. #37
    Ausfish Bronze Member Navi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Re: Pain, Pain, Agony, Agony and more of the same!

    hey malcom douglas the old bugger that travels around oz with his tinny and 4x4 was on tv yesterday and he was catching catfish, he showed the spikes on it one either side of the head and the one on its back, but what got me was that they are like a bread knife they go in easy but very hard to get out , we caught about 20 of these suckers in 4 hours in the logan river then we cut up an old thong and every time we got one we stuck a peice of thong on it's spike to see if we were catching the same ones after about another 20 we still never caught the same fish....

    Cheers Chris
    may you get a bend in your rod and your esky open often

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