Went for a flick yesterday with a mate from Brisbane, Jacks were our first target, then a little bit of breamin and chasing flatties was on the cards. Hit the ramp at 4.30am, nice to catch up with fellow Ausfisher FlattyMatty there and after a chat we were all away.
There was very little surface action when we got to our spot, just the occasional prawn skipping across the surface but no real bust ups like we were expecting. We both started with surface lures, Keith with poppers abd me with Tango Dancers and not one hit or follow in about 45 minutes.
Time to change tactics so on goes a 1/16th Squidgy Finesse head (heavy guage) and a 4" Turtleback Worm in Watermelon colour, I kept casting to the structure for zip until at the end on one retrieve there is a big swirl about 3 metres in front of the boat, cool Trevally I think as I cast my SP on top of the ripples, BANG load up straight away, fish goes deep and all I can feel through the 20lb Fireline and 20lb leader are big tail beats. We both call it for a trevor until that fantastic bronze colour came to the surface - Shit, Jack and a big one, funny how when it was a trevor you didn't think much, but when it's a Jack you start wondering if the leaders OK, are my knots good, have I got too much drag on etc etc![]()
. Anyway it was netted, measured, photographed and released to fight another day. It ended up being a new PB Jack for me at 50cm
We continued for another 40 min or so for nothing so decided to try something different, so out came the light gear and we went chasing bream off the beacons, we boated a couple of little ones as well as a 45cm GT off one which was fun on the bream gear. We then headed to the Pin to chase flatties but things were quiet up there (except the boat traffic) so it was time to head home.
It ended up a pretty quiet session, but thankfully the Jack made it all worthwhile.