Fished the Pin last night for plenty of whiting and a 38cm Bream. Caught a lot of smaller bream with only a few of these just legal or over. My brother also pulled up a flathead of massive proportions that initially felt like dead-weight. However once up to the top next to the boat, it sat there and smiled at us while we prepared the net. As we were about to land him, zooooom, straight to the bottom and managed to chomp his way through the 15lb leader! I also got smashed a few hours later while into a school of whiting. We think it was a big bream due to the fight it put up right until the boat but it took one final run as we were trying to get it to the top and SNAP, line caught on boat/motor and that was the end of that!
For those who are wondering, all caught on the old faithful Yabbie... i've only just started using SP's and not too confident with them as yet but will persevere for a few more months.