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Thread: Whiting at Woodburn

  1. #1

    Whiting at Woodburn

    The whiting are on fishing from the pylons at the Woodburn bridge. The green nav. marker pylon is working best but the other pylons towards Lismore are working good too. Caught on live yabbies. Fish around the 40cm mark regular. Yep, made me think too with all the fresh in the creek. Birds drinking on one bank and catching whiting on the other side
    Saw a couple of older blokes pulling them in one after another anchored in line with the ferry approach and the pylon with the green nav. marker.
    Good luck

  2. #2

    Re: Whiting at Woodburn

    wheres woodburn

  3. #3

    Re: Whiting at Woodburn

    northern NSW
    just south of Ballina

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