hello ausfishers and guests my first report,
started at 6am at the hole in cobby were things were a bit slow. after an hour or so of tiny bites we finally got onto a decent fish which turned out to be a 45cm flattie. just as we went to leave i thought i would toss a sp about, and third cast was smashed by a 48cm tailor. bit of a suprise but he sure went hard on the lite bream gear.
moved to the mouth of cobby and fished for about an hour or two with similar results of a 65cm sand flathead and another tailor about 40cm. there were also a few various little ones and a few small flatties on the sp all of which were released to fight another day.
drifted all around kalinga bank after that with sp for a few touches but no fish.
moved to the pin and caught a dozen or so tailor on ganged pillies and slugs, releasing all but one. they ranged from 35-45cm. had a few larger fish attached but not for long as we didnt have any traces which was making things expensive with constant tackle being lost.
wind, waves and tide were starting to pick up so we went home as we had enough in the esky for a good feed that nite with family and friends.
was a strange day as all bar 1 of the fish (a tailor in the last 1/2hour) were caught by myself while the poor old captain had zero luck not conecting with a fish till the end...we had the exact same terminal tackle setups and i was even baiting his hooks in the end as we couldnt work out why he was having such a hard time of it....just wasnt his day for a change
no pictures sorry.