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Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing
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Thread: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

  1. #1

    Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    G'day all,

    Thinking about giving the Noosa North Shore beach a fish in the coming days. Anyone had any luck of late and willing to share a few tips? Particularly curious as to best time to fish with the tides for tailor and whiting.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing


    The only thing I can suggest is fish where the netties are'nt. They started netting last week when schools of tailor and tuna etc were in close, and as soon as they shot the nets everything went dead. But that's what has happened here for as long as I can remember and that's over 30 years of fishing this beach. Drove along the beach yesterday looking for fish in the waves and offshore and didn't see one which is a big change from the past 3 months. There are no birds who are dependent on feeding fish either. The netties mainly work from the Noosa River mouth where the mullet exit from to spawn, but will head north looking for schools if there are no mullet near the mouth. They are less likely to net Rainbow Beach early in the season (now) than they would be in August. So that is probably the best option if there is one at all. Off the rocks at D.I. might be worth a go for trevors but it's a long walk to find nothing there which I have done countless times trying to find fish when the netties are working. The only other way is to fish 2 weeks after they have shot the nets which is how long it takes for some fish to come back after the previous shot, and before they shoot the nets again. This leaves a window of opportunity of maybe 1 day and it is not every 2 weeks - it may only be on 3 occasions during the netting season due to variables involving the spawning mullet. I live here and know when and where the nets are being shot and the resulting haul and rarely over the past 30 years have I struck fish between May 1st and mid September.. so how anybody else is going to catch fish unless they fluke that day has got me buggered. The locals in Teewah all know that as soon as the netting starts it is time to wash the rods down and hang em in the garage and wait til Sep/Oct. But it doesn't quite stop then either as the N1 license holders are still netting mainly for spawning tailor. There are less N1 licenses working this beach than K8 (May 1 - Aug 31) so the windows of opportunity become slightly larger after August. From Christmas to April 30 has become the only time of year that any of us are catching fish. With the algal blooms being pretty bad for the past 5 years between November and March, it has become really hard to get any fish other than during south easterlies or this year after some weather in february and cyclone Wati cleaned things up.
    I hate to post such a sad scenario nafai, but these are the realities and I would like everybody who has tried to fish this and other beaches for no result during netting activities to have some understanding as to why. The fish simply don't come into this beach during this period. The tailor stopped coming in years ago for most of their northern migration other than for some spawning activity after August 31. They do however migrate south along this beach from Christmas til early April and is the time to chase the greenbacks and particularly in January and February.

    Good luck


  3. #3

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing


    Thanks for the advice, its a shame such a great area for fishing gets wiped out for commercial reasons. For my education though, based on your experience when is the better times to fish the tides?

    Cheers & XXXX Beers,

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing


    I don't put too much emphasis on tides to fish particular species other than barra. I am more concerned with moon phases creating higher high tides and lower low tides. 'No run no fun' as they say. Then it boils down to gutter formations and the depth of water that is suitable for a particular species. That may be high water for tailor and low tide for whiting depending on the formation. Tailor will generally feed on either an incoming tide or the outgoing but rarely both on the same day. Baitfish presence can alter that theory. I have an overall preference for an outgoing tide for tailor as they feed on bait as it moves into deeper water from the shallow gutters, ambushing the bait from areas of whitewater. There is a school of thought that states that the incoming tide before a new or full moon is best and an outgoing tide after the moon but I haven't been able to confirm this as yet. Certainly from a bait fishing point of view an outgoing tide will generally help the angler hold tension better particularly in rougher weather. I only spin lures for tailor so it doesn't matter at all either way. White water and or rocks in or around deepish gutter formations with a running tide are the essential ingrediants for tailor unless they are spawning. They spawn in bays where the breeze is directly offshore in calmish water so that the eggs are most likely to be fertilised before washing away with the currents. Often on Teewah Beach that is between the 1st and 3rd cuttings with a south westerly blowing.
    Nafai you might like to check recent post on 'best beach formations for tailor' which also has some info.


  5. #5

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    I have had the good fortune to have fish this area for about 20yrs or more and meet slider and other Teewah locals and all that sliders says is true,netters just put a stop to the fish . I have knocked off the odd whiting when they have been around but only when the netters are at one end of the beach and me the other.Mate i could tell you a sad story or two regarding netters and fish kill but we have all heard it before,lets just say "STOP NETTING OUR BEACHES" [smiley=angryfire.gif]If you get the chance chase up a lure called "Sliders" as they work and are made by you ,guessed it "slider'.Giday Lindsay keep up the fight,might be up your way at the end of the month with the missus and a few of the kids,Paul may tag along we are taking the camp trailer this trip, will let you know , say giday to Whinny and Ian if you see them.
    Take photos and memories leave only footprints, respect the enviroment when 4 wheel driving , never be too busy to help out someone in need.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    Good to see the missus gets a run Barry. Just hope she can handle the amount of drinking you have to do when you can't catch fish.
    Let me know when you're heading and we'll catch up for a quiety.


  7. #7

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing


    Thanks for the info. The more I hear about this netting the dirtier I get. Let me know if I can help to spread the word some how to stop the netting.


  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing


    As individual caring fishermen, all we can really do is talk to fellow anglers and publicise these issues that way. I'm lucky enough to have been able to have articles on the subject published in Qld Fishing Monthly and a monthly segment on Teewah Beach in which I can keep momentum going. A development that has occurred today is that federal fisheries will be discussing at a meeting on Thursday, all of the issues that I have raised concerning beach seine netting and fish attraction. I have been asked to attend a susequent meeting in August to address more closely these issues. Recfish will be representing me at Thursdays meeting and there are many other noteable individuals and organisations that are also applying pressure. But at the end of the day it is the almighty vote that has the greatest power when it comes to the people making these decisions. We as the angling community just need to find ways to make governments aware of our discontent.
    Please do not interfere with any commercial fishing activity and please do not be abusive towards commercial fishermen. This will only hinder our long term ambitions and it is not fair on those fishermen. I personally believe that there should be netting of our coastline for mullet and tailor and I have devised ways in which this can occur without impacting dramatically on fishing related tourism. Educating the public is the key and if the public feel strongly enough about it then change is inevitable.


  9. #9

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    me and 2 others got quite a few flathead cod trevelly and moses perch from the river on sunday may 7... prety fun day thats for sure...


  10. #10

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    top part of the world up there - shame to see it turn like that as soon as the nets get shot.......has hindered my plans for the entire winter.................maybe while we are making mention of the netters we should also make mention of the hoons on bikes and buggies that chew up the beach and ruin it for the rest who want a safe weekend away.......perhaps another issue to bring up with shire council.....


  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    Les, council are aware of this problem and the Deputy Mayor gets as upset as the rest of us as he fishes here regularly. As a result of issues raised at Easter, speed limits, vehicle permits and policing of the beach have been thrown well and truly into the spotlight. All things being equal, there will be a reduced amount of this sort of behaviour although it can never be eradicated. And mate, I hate the bikes cause they are louder than any 4wd and they send the fish offshore every time. They always seem to gun it just as they go past where your fishing.


  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    Hi ,

    Fished Teewah Beach a fortnight ago and picked up a dozen nice whiting , found a low water gutter about 20kms from the first cutting
    north shore , using sand worms , could of caught more but run out of bait >


  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    Hi ,

    Fished Teewah Beach a fortnight ago and picked up a dozen nice whiting , found a low water gutter about 20kms from the first cutting
    north shore , using sand worms , could of caught more but run out of bait >


  14. #14

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    slider - agreed and looking forward to some needed changes. i have had baseball bats pulled on me at the barge after hours because i blew up at blokes doing donuts right near my parked car and showering it with rocks..........not what i want when i go fishing especially with the better half. always wondered if heavy traffic and loud traffic affected the i know. thanks again Lindsay


  15. #15

    Re: Noosa North Shore - Beach Fishing

    I have always supported a yearly fee for using this beach ,maybe $100-$150 this would stop day trippers and the w@nkers that just go and destroy it for everyone else,this could only work if the powers that be are strick on the policing of the permits. If a sticker was given on payment for your 12mths I would want to see only vehicles with stickers on them, not just the odd one or two.Of course a pass for residents on the eastern side of the river ,That one is for you Lindsay.No weekend permits,no monthly permits just yearly ones so those that are commited to enjoying this area can and not be over run by the people that come to run amoke and not stop to enjoy paradise.I know i sound like an old whinger but if you know what it is like to visit this area when the crowds are down and just fishermen and campers are there you would understand.Remember the days when all waved on passing each other and stopping to chat with each other was part of the day,helping all was just what we did and as for speeding down the beach well we were all to relaxed to even bother. It was not that long ago and with a push I believe it can return .
    Barry [smiley=stop.gif]
    Take photos and memories leave only footprints, respect the enviroment when 4 wheel driving , never be too busy to help out someone in need.

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